My First One

So be gentle. This is my first submission to GFWD. This design came about when playing around with layouts for my own site, for which I needed a lightweight, high speed/low drag template, for bandwidth concerns. I'm also a fan of minimalist design, in which there are not a bunch of graphics just for the sake of graphics. I look forward to feedback, and any pointers that you, the gurus of GFWD, can offer. I've learned a lot from your designs, and can only hope to learn more.

Content First

One of the things I wanted to keep in mind when building my site, is that I wanted the content to appear first for spiders. So this template puts the content above the left panel in the code, but floats to the right. So we get an attractive, standard location for navigation and secondary inforamtion.

The left panel and the content are in the same DIV, and the header and footer are outside this DIV. This allows the footer to stay below both the content *or* the left panel, whichever is taller.

Obligatory Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget leo metus. Donec fringilla sollicitudin adipiscing. In eget magna felis. Praesent molestie neque eget dui lobortis feugiat rutrum nisl dignissim. Nam lacus urna, tincidunt tincidunt placerat at, pulvinar vitae turpis. Vivamus venenatis tortor eu ante congue vel placerat ante dictum. Fusce ut felis urna, id dapibus metus. Vivamus quis nibh nisl. Proin fermentum, turpis a feugiat suscipit, tellus felis feugiat libero, sit amet ultricies lorem nisl ut nulla. Praesent tempus semper tempus. Praesent ultricies, tellus at tempus euismod, augue leo ultricies mauris, a pharetra metus nisi nec diam. Mauris non scelerisque diam. Sed malesuada sollicitudin dolor, vel ultricies risus ornare ut. Cras eu nulla congue lacus rhoncus ultricies tincidunt at nibh. Aliquam nec est in nulla semper sagittis. Maecenas ultricies gravida dui a aliquam. Donec sed nisl ac mi porttitor convallis vitae eget leo. Ut quis arcu et dui lobortis tincidunt eget quis magna. Vestibulum nunc ante, malesuada at vehicula sed, consequat vulputate eros.

And some more

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque varius tincidunt arcu et congue. Suspendisse eget dui ante. Vestibulum rhoncus eros sit amet lorem dignissim imperdiet. Morbi tempus rutrum fringilla. Pellentesque luctus dictum mi vel viverra. Sed justo risus, bibendum ac dignissim in, elementum et ante. Phasellus nec erat mauris, sed sollicitudin erat. Ut condimentum tempus placerat. Morbi a dolor eu magna condimentum venenatis. Donec tellus orci, commodo a fringilla eu, porta in quam. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


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