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This is Why I Am Done Giving Away Software
I have been giving away the results of my hobbies for literally decades, for free, for use by anyone who wants it.
Posted:2024-07-13, 153 views

SystemIdleCheck Enteprise Overview
The enterprise version of SystemIdleCheck has been improved over the free version to provide flexibility and ease of management for Windows system administrators.
Posted:2020-03-24, 1918 views

Deploying SystemIdleCheck via GPO
Some users of SystemIdleCheck (SIC) have been confused as to how to deploy the program in large, complex environments, so I've put together this guide which details how to deploy the program through Group Policy Objects (GPO).
Posted:2020-03-15, 3900 views

SystemIdleCheck: APIs Used
In case anyone is curious, this is a list of APIs that are being used.
Posted:2019-07-22, 1077 views

Logoff User After Idle
Recently, there was a request for our team to implement a new security requirement for workstations.
Posted:2017-09-27, 96808 views

SystemIdleCheck: Version History
This page contains the version history of SystemIdleCheck.
Posted:2019-07-22, 1277 views

SystemIdleCheck: Command Line Usage
SystemIdleCheck is very straightforward to use.
Posted:2019-07-22, 3793 views

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