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Add Menu Sub-items at Runtime, No API Calls Needed
This simple program adds menu items or subitems at runtime without any api calls.
Posted:2024-07-21, 24 views

VB6 Still Relevant?
Visual Basic 6 (VB6) is a programming language that was widely used in the past, but it is no longer as relevant as it once was.
Posted:2022-12-27, 431 views

VB6 Tutorial 55: Using Data Types
Visual Basic 6 is rich in data types.
Posted:2018-05-28, 678 views

VB6 Tutorial 54: Collections
Collections are objects in Visual Basic that are used to store a group of data values.
Posted:2018-05-27, 11831 views

VB6 Tutorial 53: Control Array
Up to this point, we have discussed array of variables.
Posted:2018-05-26, 3988 views

VB6 Tutorial 52: Dynamic Array
In case of a fixed size array, we have seen that the size of the array is fixed or unchanged, but there may be some situations where you may want to change the array size.
Posted:2018-05-25, 2472 views

VB6 Tutorial 51: Multi-dimensional arrays
An array can be multi-dimensional that means, it can have more than one dimension.
Posted:2018-05-24, 1104 views

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