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Make Your Own CAB Files with MakeCab.EXE
Ever need to compress a bunch of files for distribution or storage? While ZIP is a familiar format, Windows offers a lesser-known option: Cabinet files, identified by the CAB extension.
Posted:2024-06-27, 45 views

How To Combine Multiple Hard Drives With Windows Storage Spaces
Combining multiple hard drives using Windows Storage Spaces is a convenient way to create a single, unified storage pool with enhanced data protection and flexibility.
Posted:2024-05-10, 377 views

How to Disable Server Manager at Start up for All Users
Disabling Server Manager at startup for all users can be achieved through Group Policy settings.
Posted:2024-03-17, 381 views

Configuring Windows Server as an iSCSI Target Server
Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) has become a popular protocol for establishing and managing connections between IP-based storage devices.
Posted:2023-09-18, 254 views

Killing Disconnected Terminal Server Sessions from the Command Line
Terminal Services (or Remote Desktop if you prefer) is a good thing.
Posted:2013-08-26, 39292 views

Hardening Windows Server
This guide is intended to provide basic systems administration instruction for hardening “out-of-the-box” installations of Windows Server.
Posted:2013-11-23, 1542 views

SQL 2012 SP1 Setup NetFx3 Error
Installing SQL 2012 SP1 on a brand new, fully patched Windows 2012 server can give you a rather cryptic error which mentions something called NetFx3.
Posted:2014-01-16, 1218 views

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