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Center a Button using CSS and HTML
To center a button in CSS and HTML, you may want to center it both horizontally and vertically within a given container.
Posted:2023-08-19, 175 views

Center a Div Horizontally and Vertically
To vertically and horizontally center a div, you can use the below shown CSS code.
Posted:2023-04-27, 294 views

CSS Template: tight
Another blast from the past.
Posted:2019-04-05, 583 views

CSS Template: Retro Pixels
This one harkens back to the olden times of the late eighties and early nineties.
Posted:2019-01-12, 921 views

CSS Template: BizCo
This was a quick design for a fictitious company, and has actually been used by a real company, with great success.
Posted:2011-06-08, 2033 views

CSS Template: Skamania
This is a three column template, very basic, no graphics.
Posted:2011-06-18, 1512 views

CSS Template: Legal Eagles
This is a super-clean template for a fictional law firm.
Posted:2011-07-02, 1626 views

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