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Center a Button using CSS and HTML
To center a button in CSS and HTML, you may want to center it both horizontally and vertically within a given container.
Posted:2023-08-19, 175 views

A better response.redirect
The response.
Posted:2002-06-01, 147 views

Get relative URL of current page: mstrGetURL
Returns relative URL of current page.
Posted:2002-06-01, 169 views

How to send email from ASP (Part I of II)
Want to send SMTP email from your ASP app? CDONTS is a free e-mail component that comes with IIS4, that (despite its weird name) is very easy to use and has good performance.
Posted:2002-06-01, 128 views

Convert your ODBC connections to OLE DB
Looking for faster performance? If you have an older database driven ASP app, it probably uses an ODBC DSN in its connection string to reach the database.
Posted:2002-06-01, 140 views

Self Refreshing Page
You can cause a page to automatically refresh every n seconds using the HTML Meta Refresh.
Posted:2002-06-01, 127 views

List all files in a directory
Uses the new file FileSystemObject in the scripting library to list all the files in the c:inetpubscripts directory with a link to them.
Posted:2002-06-01, 176 views

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