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Call for Comments!

It's no secret.  This site is made to help IT professionals and computer novices get problems fixed.  But how about a little expansion?

For awhile now, I've been toying with the idea of adding a gaming cheats section to the site.  I've even got a few requests for it, even though there are a ton of sites out there that already provide this service.

But if there is enough feedback and support for a new part of the site, that might just push me off the fence.

So, without further ado, leave your input in the comments below.  Yay, Nay, whatever.  If you have other suggestions or requests, plug those in too.  I want to hear it all!

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Posted: 2009-09-28
By: FortyPoundHead
Viewed: 1,779 times





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FortyPoundHead posted this comment on 2009-09-29:

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I look forward to hearing from everyone!

FortyPoundHead posted this comment on 2009-09-30:

meh. not the response I was looking for. I'll start populating the PC game cheats category, though.

Feel free to drop a note in the comments if you have one.

FortyPoundHead posted this comment on 2009-10-04:

Okely-dokely. The cheats are added. I didn't let the bulk of them show up on the front page, but you can access them by either searching for the game you want to cheat with, or by browsing the "Game Cheats - PC" category.

Have fun!

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