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Who doesn't love NETDOM?

This command-line tool enables administrators to manage Windows domains and trust relationships from the command line. This tool is very handy for scripted installs, updates, adds/removes, and general info gathering.

Command Description
Netdom add Adds a workstation or server account to the domain.
Netdom computername Manages the primary and alternate names for a computer. This command can safely rename Active Directory domain controllers as well as member servers.
Netdom join Joins a workstation or member server to a domain. The act of joining a computer to a domain creates an account for the computer on the domain, if it does not already exist.
Netdom move Moves a workstation or member server to a new domain. The act of moving a computer to a new domain creates an account for the computer on the domain, if it does not already exist.
Netdom query Queries the domain for information such as membership and trust.
Netdom remove Removes a workstation or server from the domain.
Netdom movent4bdc Renames a Windows NT 4.0 backup domain controller to reflect a domain name change. This can assist in Windows NT 4.0 domain renaming efforts.
Netdom renamecomputer Renames a domain computer and its corresponding domain account. Use this command to rename domain workstations and member servers only. To rename domain controllers, use the netdom computername command.
Netdom reset Resets the secure connection between a workstation and a domain controller.
Netdom resetpwd Resets the computer account password for a domain controller.
Netdom trust Establishes, verifies, or resets a trust relationship between domains.
Netdom verify Verifies the secure connection between a workstation and a domain controller.


Here are a few examples that might be of some use. Some things you might not do every day, but you will be called upon from time to time to perform.

Join a Workstation or Member Server to a Domain

To join TheWorkStation to the domain in the developers/workstations organizational unit, type the following at the command prompt:

netdom join / TheWorkStation /OU:OU=developers,OU=Workstations,DC=myrootdomain,DC=com

Besides adding the computer account to the domain, the workstation is modified to contain the appropriate shared secret to complete the join operation.

Remove a Workstation or Member Server from a Domain

To remove TheWorkStation from the mydomain domain and make the workstation a part of a workgroup, type the following at the command prompt:

netdom remove /d:mydomain TheWorkStation /ud:mydomain\admin /pd:password

Verify a Workstation or Member Server Secure Channel

To verify the secure channel secret is maintained between TheWorkStation and, type the following at the command prompt:

netdom verify / TheWorkStation

View All Workstation Members in a Domain

To list all the workstations in the domain MyWindowsDomain, type the following at the command prompt:

netdom query /d:MyWindowsDomain WORKSTATION

View All Server Members in a Domain

To list all of the servers in MyWindowsDomain, type the following at the command prompt:

netdom query /d:MyWindowsDomain SERVER

View All Domain Controller Members in a Domain

To list all the domain controllers in the domain MyWindowsDomain, type the following at the command prompt:

netdom query /d:MyWindowsDomain DC

View All Organizational Unit Members in a Domain

To list all of the OUs in, type the following at the command prompt:

netdom query / OU

Rename a Domain Cmoputer

To rename domain workstations and member servers only. To rename domain controllers, use the netdom computername command.

netdom renamecomputer MyOldName / /userd:administrator

Rename Active Directory Domain Controllers

Manage the primary and alternate names for a computer. This command can safely rename Active Directory domain controllers as well as member servers. Before you can make a name the primary name of a computer, that name must exist as an alternate. To give an alternate name for the domain controller DC in the domain, use the following syntax:

netdom computername dc /

Then, use the following to rename the domain controller:

netdom computername dc /


About this post

Posted: 2011-07-03
By: dwirch
Viewed: 8,109 times


Windows Commandline


Active Directory

Windows Server


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