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Basic PowerShell Cheatsheet

We all need to peek at the answers from time to time. This post is simply a quick reference guide for basic PowerShell tips, tricks, how-to's, explanations, etc.

I've found these items useful in the past, and hope you do as well.

Links to Microsoft or other documentation have made where applicable, and I'll keep adding to it.

$var = "string" Assign variable
[Type]$var="typedVar" Assign strong typed variable
[ValidateRange(1,9)][int]$x=1 Assign strong typed attribute controlled variable
$a,$b,$c = 0 or $a,$b = 'a','b' Assign multiple variables
$a,$b = $b,$a Flip variables
Scopes global, local, private or script
$global:var = "var" Assign global scoped variable
"a", "b", "c" Array of strings
@() Empty array
1,(2,3),4 Array within array
,"hi" Array of one element
$arr[5] Sixth element of array
$arr[2..20] Return elements 3 thru 21
$arr[-1] Return last array element
$arr[-3..-1] Display last threeelementsofarray
$arr[1,4+6..9] Elements at index positions 1,4, 6 to 9
@(Get-Process) Force result to an array
$arr[($arr.length-1)..0] Reverse array
$arr[1] += 200 Add to existing array item value
$b = $arr[0,1 + 3..6] New array from elements of $arr array
$z = $arrA + $arrB Combine two arrays into single array
$hash = @{} Create empty hash table
@{foo=1; bar='value2'} Create, initialize hash table
[ordered]@{a=1; b=2; c=3} Create ordered dictionary
$hash.key1 = 1 Assign 1 to key key1
$hash.key1 Return value of key1
$hash["key1"] Return value of key1
$hash.GetEnumerator | sort Key Sort hash table by Key
[pscustomobject]@{x=1;z="z"} Create custom object
"$var expand" String with expansion "
'$var no expand' String with no expansion '
@" Here-String "@ Here-String -quotes, expressions, etc. Single quotes for no expressions
Comments, Escape Characters, Backtick
#Comment Comment
<# comment #> Multiline comment
"A `"test`"" Escape char `
`t Tab
`n New line
` Line continuation
Text and Files Basics
Get-Location Get current directory
Set-Location Change directory
Get-Content Get content of file
Add-Content Append content
Set-Content Set content of file
Out-File Formatted text to file
Out-Null Discard output
Out-String Convert to strings
Copy-Item Copy items
Remove-Item Remove items
Move-Item Move items
Rename-Item Rename item
Set-Item Set contents of file
Clear-item Clear contents of file
New-Item New empty file or dir
(Get-Date).Date Date property of object from Get-Date
Get-Date | Get-Member List properties and methods of object
[DateTime]::Now Static properties referenced with "::"
"string".ToUpper() Use ToUpper() Method on string
[system.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress("") Use static method to get host name with "::"
$excel = new-object -com excel.application Create a new Excel COM object to work with
Flow Control
If($x -eq 5){} Elseif($x -gt 5) {} Else{} If
$x = 1; while($x -lt 10){$x;$x++} While
For($i=0; $i -lt 10; $i++){ $i } For
Foreach($file in dir C:\){$file.Name} Foreach
1..10 | foreach{$_} Foreach
Switch -options ()
PatternX {statement}
Default {Default Statement}
Assignment, Logical, Comparison Operators
=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,++,-- Assign one or more values to variable
-and, -or, -xor, -not, ! Connect expressions / statements
-eq, -ne Equal, not equal
-gt, -ge Greater than, greater than or equal
-lt, -le Less than, less than or equal to
-replace Replacement -"Hi" -replace "H", "P"
-match,-notmatch Regular expression match
-like,-notlike Wildcard matching
-contains,-notcontains TRUE if value on right in array on left
-in, -notin Reverse of contains,notcontains
Other Operators
-Split Split a string "abcdefghi" -split "de"
-join Joins multiple strings "abc","def" -join ";"
.. Range operator 1..10 | foreach {$_ * 5}
-is,-isnot Boolean -is object instance of specified .NET type
-as Convert input object to specified .NET type
-f Format strings 1..10 | foreach { "{0:N2}" -f $_ }
[ ] Cast operator. [datetime]$birthday = "1/10/66"
$( ) Subexpression operator
@( ) Array subexpression operator
& The call/invocation operator.
Filter, Sort, Group, and Format
dir C:\pub | where-object LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).addDays(-1) Files in C:\pub with lastwritetime greater than yesterday
ps | where-object {$_.path -like "C:\windows\system32*" -and $ -notlike "Microsoft*"} Processes where path includes system32 and company doesn't start with Microsoft
ps Explorer | select-object -Property ProcessName -ExpandProperty Modules | format-list Get explorer processes, select processname, expand modules property array
ps | Sort-Object -Property WorkingSet | Select-Object -Last 5 Sort Processes by workingset, select last 5
"a","b","a" | Select-Object -Unique Return only unique -returns @(a b)
Get-Service | Group-Object Status Group services by their Status
dir | Group-Object {$_.Length -gt 100KB} Group objects bigger/smaller than 100 KB
Get-Content C:\pcs.txt | Select-String "q-" | sls "win7" Select strings with "q-", "win7" from pcs.txt
ps | Format-Table -Property Name, StartTime -AutoSize Format ps output showing Name, StartTime properties, autosize the table
ps | Format-table ProcessName, @{ Label = "Total Run Time"; Expression={(Get-Date) -$_.StartTime}} Table showing processname, custom label/expression showing run time.
Get-EventLog -Log System | Select -first 5 | Format-table -wrap Get first 5 events in system log, wrap display
gi C:\Users | format-list -property * Get all properties from C:\users in list format
"{0}`t{1]`n" -f $a, 5 -f operator to construct strings. {0} replaced with $a, {1} with 5 etc.
Drive letter accessible locations
Alias: Aliases in current session
Cert: Certificate store for user
Env: Environment variables
Function: All functions in current session
HKLM: Hkey Local Machine Hive
HKCU: Hkey Current User Hive
Variable: Variables in the current session
WSMan: WinRM configuration / credentials
AD: Active Directory
Set-location HKLM: HKLM Registry hive
gci variable: Variables in current session
Importing, Exporting, Converting
Export-CliXML Import-CliXML
ConvertTo-XML ConvertTo-HTML
Export-CSV Import-CSV
ConvertTo-CSV ConvertFrom-CSV
Common Commands
Get-EventLog Get-WinEvent
Get-CimInstance Get-Date
Start-Sleep Compare-Object
Start-Job Get-Credential
Test-Connection New-PSSession
Test-Path Split-Path
Default Variables
$_, $PSItem Current pipeline object
$Args Script or function arguments
$Error Errors from commands
$True,$False Boolean value for true,false
$null Empty
$profile Array of profile locations
Help and Information
Update-Help Downloads and installs newest help files
Get-Help Displays information about commands and concepts
Get-Command Gets all commands
Get-Member Gets the properties and methods of objects
Get-Module Gets the modules that have been imported or that can be imported into the current session
Preference Variables
$ConfirmPreference Determines whether Windows PowerShell automatically prompts you for confirmation before running a cmdlet or function
$DebugPreference Determines how Windows PowerShell responds to debugging
$ErrorActionPreference Determines how Windows PowerShell responds to a nonterminating error
$ErrorView Determines the display format of error messages in Windows PowerShell
$FormatEnumerationLimit Determines how many enumerated items are included in a display
$MaximumHistoryCount Determines how many commands are saved in the command history for the current session
$OFS Output Field Separator. Specifies the character that separates the elements of an array when the array is converted to a string. The default value is: Space.
$OutputEncoding Determines the character encoding method that Windows PowerShell uses when it sends text to other applications
$PSDefaultParameterValues Specifies default values for the parameters of cmdlets and advanced functions
$PSEmailServer Specifies the default e-mail server that is used to send e-mail messages
$PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference Enables and disables automatic importing of modules in the session. "All" is the default.
$PSSessionApplicationName Specifies the default application name for a remote command that uses WS-Management technology
$PSSessionConfigurationName Specifies the default session configuration that is used for PSSessions created in the current session
$PSSessionOption Establishes the default values for advanced user options in a remote session
$VerbosePreference Determines how Windows PowerShell responds to verbose messages generated by a script, cmdlet or provider
$WarningPreference Determines how Windows PowerShell responds to warning messages generated by a script, cmdlet or provider
$WhatIfPreference Determines whether WhatIf is automatically enabled for every command that supports it
Helpful Microsoft Resources
Microsoft Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell Team Blog
Comparitech PowerShell Cheat Sheet
PowerShell Forum
Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog
Windows PowerShell Survival Guide
Active Directory - User Objects
Get-ADUser -Identity 'John Smith' View user account details
Get-ADUser -Filter 'Name -like "John Smith"' Search for a user
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=marketing,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=local" Search for users in a particular OU
Get-ADUser -Identity 'JohnSmith' Properties Description,Office View additional properties, not just the default set
Get-ADUser -Identity 'JohnSmith' -Properties * View all the user properties, not just default set
New-ADUser -Name "John Smith" SamAccountName "JohnSmith" GivenName "John" -Surname "Smith" -DisplayName "John Smith" -Path 'OU=Users,OU=marketing,DC=domain,DC=local' -OtherAttributes @{'Title'="Marketing Manager"} AccountPassword (Read-Host AsSecureString "AccountPassword") -Enabled $true Create a new user
Set-ADUser John Smith -City London -Remove @{otherMailbox="John.Smith"} -Add @{url="domain.local"} -Replace @{title="manager"} -Clear description Change the properties of a user
Active Directory - Computer Objects
Get-ADComputer -Filter 'Name like "Server01"' View computer account details
New-ADComputer -Name "Server01" SamAccountName "Server01" -Path "OU=Computers,OU=Resources,DC=tes t,DC=local" -Enabled $true Location "London" Create a new computer account
Remove-ADComputer -Identity "Server01" -Confirm:$false Remove a computer account

About this post

Posted: 2017-12-10
By: dwirch
Viewed: 1,981 times






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