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Drawing Gradients in VB6

This module uses the line function to create a gradient fill on either a form or picture box, fades from one RGB color to another.

At the moment it is a little bit slow, but i hope to improve that soon. Can be used to make setup screens. Set the objects auto-redraw property to true so the gradient stays persistent.

Public Sub Gradient(Object As Object, R1 As Integer, G1 As Integer, B1 As Integer, R2 As Integer, G2 As Integer, B2 As Integer, Direction As Integer)

On Error Resume Next
Y = 0
X = 0
Z = 0
A = 0
Dim B, G, R As Double
Dim BI, GI, RI As Double
R = R1
G = G1
B = B1

If Direction = 0 Then GoTo Horizontal
If Direction = 1 Then GoTo Vertical
If Direction = 2 Then GoTo Sphere
If Direction = 3 Then GoTo Angle

RI = (R2 - R1) / Object.Height
GI = (G2 - G1) / Object.Height
BI = (B2 - B1) / Object.Height
Do Until Y >= Object.Height
Object.Line (0, Y)-(Object.Width, Y), RGB(R, G, B)
Y = Y + 1
R = R + RI
G = G + GI
B = B + BI
Exit Sub

RI = (R2 - R1) / Object.Width
GI = (G2 - G1) / Object.Width
BI = (B2 - B1) / Object.Width
Do Until Y >= Object.Width
Object.Line (Y, 0)-(Y, Object.Height), RGB(R, G, B)
Y = Y + 1
R = R + RI
G = G + GI
B = B + BI
Exit Sub

Dim Radius
RI = (R2 - R1) / Object.Width
GI = (G2 - G1) / Object.Width
BI = (B2 - B1) / Object.Width
Radius = 1
Xpos = Object.ScaleWidth / 2
Ypos = Object.ScaleHeight / 2
Do Until Radius >= Object.Width
Object.Circle (Xpos, Ypos), Radius, RGB(R, G, B)
Object.Circle (Xpos, Ypos), Radius + 1, RGB(R + 1, G + 1, B + 1)
Object.Circle (Xpos, Ypos), Radius + 2, RGB(R + 1, G + 1, B + 1)
Radius = Radius + 3
R = R + (RI * 3)
G = G + (GI * 3)
B = B + (BI * 3)
Exit Sub

Dim Hypotenuse As Double
Dim Calc As Double
Calc = (Object.ScaleWidth ^ 2 + Object.ScaleHeight ^ 2)
Hypotenuse = Sqr(Calc) + ((Object.ScaleHeight / 100) * 12)

'Sqr(((Object.Height * Object.Height) + (Object.Width * Object.Width)))

RI = (R2 - R1) / Hypotenuse
GI = (G2 - G1) / Hypotenuse
BI = (B2 - B1) / Hypotenuse
Do Until Z >= Object.Height And A >= Object.Width
Object.Line (X, Z)-(A, Y), RGB(R, G, B)
R = R + (RI)
G = G + (GI)
B = B + (BI)
Y = Y + 1
X = X + 1
If X >= Object.Width Then Z = Z + 1
If Y >= Object.Height Then A = A + 1

End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2018-03-13
By: MattBeighton
Viewed: 960 times


Visual Basic 6


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