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GDI32.DLL Handy Interfaces

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This is a short list of handy interfaces available in GDI32.DLL, with a link to an example usage of each one.

This is by no means an exhaustive or complete list, rather it's a short list of items to demonstrate a few things you can do with GDI32.

API Sample Code
BitBlt Create a Form with tiled picture Background
Copy what you see in the Screen or in a Form into the clipboard
CombineRgn Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
CreateCompatibleBitmap Copy what you see in the Screen or in a Form into the clipboard
CreateCompatibleDC Create a Form with tiled picture Background
Copy what you see in the Screen or in a Form into the clipboard
CreateDCA Copy what you see in the Screen or in a Form into the clipboard
CreateFontIndirectA Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
CreatePolygonRgn Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
CreateRectRgn Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
CreateRoundRectRgn Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
CreateSolidBrush Create a Form with a Faded Background
Show/Hide a Form with an Explode/Implode animation
DeleteDC Create a Form with tiled picture Background
Copy what you see in the Screen or in a Form into the clipboard
DeleteObject Create a Form with a Faded Background
Create a Form with tiled picture Background
Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
Show/Hide a Form with an Explode/Implode animation
FillRgn Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
FrameRgn Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
GetObjectA Create a Form with tiled picture Background
GetStockObject Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
Rectangle Show/Hide a Form with an Explode/Implode animation
SelectObject Create a Form with tiled picture Background
Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
Copy what you see in the Screen or in a Form into the clipboard
SetBkColor Show/Hide a Form with an Explode/Implode animation
SetBkMode Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape
SetTextColor Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape

About this post

Posted: 2019-09-19
By: AndreaTincani
Viewed: 314 times


Visual Basic 6


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Special Instructions

This code originally appeared on, and has been republished here with the permission of Andrea Tincani.

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