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Family Address Book v3 - Final Update (Notification)

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Hi,Family Address Book v3.0 - Final Update has been released on October 03, 2000.
Please don't be fooled by the name, it is not just a simple address book - check it out and you will see. This time around I mostly use ADO instead of DAO and now the user is allowed to add or remove any category of their choice. DAO is only used to create the database, every thing else uses ADO. It has a lot of features such as Personal Contacts, Personal Internet Links, Search and Printing, Personal Reminders and also Sending Email using the vbSendmail component found on Please read the file readme.txt before you begin. All the source codes are included so you can compile the code for yourself. Please leave your comments or feedbacks And Remember to VOTE!!!.
Last Updated : October 03, 2000. The ZIP File Contains a SELF-EXTRACTABLE FILE with the Source Code. If you hav any suggestions for the next version please let me know.

Original Author: Omar Dixon (OmarSwan)


size=3>If you want to download the file then click HERE NOW

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 97 times


Visual Basic 6


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