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Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

DMA, create DMA emulation In vb.

Original Author: Randy Ready AKA Qages


DMA. Dynamic Memory Allocation.
vb is non-dma, this means that the memory address for a varable will be the same when the user reopens your program (will change if you add lots of new code).
this is bad because h4x0rs can steal or modify your program.
to make a emulation of DMA in vb, just redim a Array varable by random numbers and use whats in the middle. its simple.

ill give a example below

25682 ' this is a random number, really doesnt have any importance,

redim stack((25682 - 6) To (25682 + 8)) ' the RAMDOM numbers 6,8 are the impornant

[memory address] [place in our array]

00000000     1 (-6)

00000002     2 (-5)

00000004     3 (-4)

00000008     4 (-3)

0000000A     5 (-2)

0000000C     6 (-1)

0000000E     7 (+0) '- Our middle numbers, this is what we want to use

00000010     8 (+1)

00000012     9 (+2)

00000014     10 (+3)

00000018     11 (+4)

0000001A     12 (+5)

0000001C     13 (+6)

0000001E     14 (+7)

00000020     15 (+8)

ok the user closed the programan reloads it now creats new random numbers.

ReDim stack((55431 - 2) To (55431 + 10)) ' the RANDOM numbers 2,10 are the impornant

[memory address][place in our array]

00000000     1 (-2)

00000002     2 (-1)

00000004     3 (+0) '- Our middle numbers, this is what we want to use

00000008     4 (+1)

0000000A     5 (+2)

0000000C     6 (+3)

0000000E     7 (+4)

00000010     8 (+5)

00000012     9 (+6)

00000014     10 (+7)

00000018     11 (+8)

0000001A     12 (+9)

0000001C     13 (+10)

ok the first time the user opend the program the memory address for the middle (+0) is 0000000E, the next time its 00000004,
there its diffrent memory address! DMA

Heres the Complete code to use:


dim stack() as single ' we need tomake this a array! important

dim STACKNUM as long

' thecode

dim STACKNUMfrom as byte

dim STACKNUMto as byte



STACKNUM = Int(((999999) * Rnd) + 3000) ' + 3000 - TO make sure were not 0 or some low number

STACKNUMfrom = Int(((99) * Rnd)) ' increase 99 for more randomness, decrese for less memory useage

STACKNUMto = Int(((99) * Rnd)) ' increase 99 for more randomness, decrese for less memory useage

ReDim stack((STACKNUM - STACKNUMfrom) To (STACKNUM + STACKNUMto)) As Single

'you canuse more that just the middle number(STACKNUM), to use more use STACKNUM + whatever and STACKNUM - Whatever,
and use the code below tomake sure you have enuf spacein the array

If STACKNUMto < 2 Then ' STACKNUMto this is for our + STACKNUM, the number 2 is howmuch we want to use. can be used for

GoTo STartR

End If

to use this just use:
stack(STACKNUM) or

stack(STACKNUM + 1)

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 120 times


Visual Basic 6


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