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Delete a picture from a form or picbox in IDE

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

OK. I realize that probably everyone in the world but me knew this. I figured maybe theres 1 other person who never figured it out either, and may find it a time saver.

Original Author: Code-Breaker


In the IDE, once an image is selected for a form's (or picturebox) picture property, I never knew how to delete it, except by copying all the controls on the form, opening a new form, pasting, then deleting the old form. I never took the time to try to figure out a quicker way. To do it, you can just put the cursor on the '(picture)' text in the properties window, and hit the delete key. Well, I impressed myself, anyway...And my mom thinks I'm smart too.

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Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 100 times


Visual Basic 6


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