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Simple Interest calculator

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This is a program made to calculate interest !
This is for Beginners !...
Comments and Votes will be very highly appreciated ...

Original Author: ComputerWhiz


Make three textboxes with the names :-
Respectively .
Then make a command button and name it cmdAnswer .
Then make a variable - AnswerGot
dim AnswerGot
After that ,make a label control and name it lblAnswer
Now ,in the click event of the cmdAnswer add this code :-
lblAnswer.Caption = AnswerGot
AnswerGot = txtprinciple * txtRI * txtTime / 100
Now the total form's code should look something like this ...
Dim AnswerGot
Private Sub Command1_Click()
lblAnswer.Caption = AnswerGot
AnswerGot = txtprinciple * txtRI * txtTime / 100
End Sub

Please vote for this article .I will very highly appreciate your voting ....

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Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 98 times


Visual Basic 6


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