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_ Unique Encryption Method

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Unique way to encrypt a file. I have posted an example of this, put this here just in case people did not feel like downloading it. This is my first encryption method. Wanted to make one that no other method used. So I came up with this. Please leave comments to let me know what you think of this, like I said it is my first so I would really appreciate some feedback. Thanks.

Original Author: KRYO_11


Public Function Encrypt(StringToEncrypt As String, Optional AlphaEncoding As Boolean = False) As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim Char As String
Encrypt = ""

For i = 1 To Len(StringToEncrypt)
  Char = Asc(Mid(StringToEncrypt, i, 1))
  Encrypt = Encrypt & Len(Char) & Char
Next i

If AlphaEncoding Then

  StringToEncrypt = Encrypt
  Encrypt = ""
  For i = 1 To Len(StringToEncrypt)
   Encrypt = Encrypt & Chr(Mid(StringToEncrypt, i, 1) + 147)
  Next i
End If
Exit Function
Encrypt = "Error encrypting string"
End Function
Public Function Decrypt(StringToDecrypt As String, Optional AlphaDecoding As Boolean = False) As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim CharCode As String
Dim CharPos As Integer
Dim Char As String

If AlphaDecoding Then

  Decrypt = StringToDecrypt
  StringToDecrypt = ""
  For i = 1 To Len(Decrypt)
   StringToDecrypt = StringToDecrypt & (Asc(Mid(Decrypt, i, 1)) - 147)
  Next i
End If

Decrypt = ""


  CharPos = Left(StringToDecrypt, 1)
  StringToDecrypt = Mid(StringToDecrypt, 2)
  CharCode = Left(StringToDecrypt, CharPos)
  StringToDecrypt = Mid(StringToDecrypt, Len(CharCode) + 1)
  Decrypt = Decrypt & Chr(CharCode)
Loop Until StringToDecrypt = ""
Exit Function
Decrypt = "Error decrypting string"
End Function

About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 111 times


Visual Basic 6


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