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VbEclipse (docking MDI) - New Version 0.8.99

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Version 0.8.99 of the VbEclipse project is available now. Please look at the screenshots. PLEASE VOTE AT

Original Author: AB-Software



AB-Software - VbEclipse Project


Freeware Version 0.8.97


All 32-bit MS Windows Operating Systems





A new update of VbEclipse is available.









The VbEclipse project is a Visual Basic 6.0 implementation
  of the Eclipse perspectives. It provides a high flexible and
  complete configurable docking MDI solution with a nice user


At work I'm developing Java with the open source Eclipse 3.0
  IDE (see This IDE works with perspectives,
  which gives the developer different views on his source.


If the developer is simply coding Java, he will do this in
  the java perspective. This perspective has some views like
  project explorer, tasks, ... But if you are debugging the
  source, Eclipse switches to the debug perspective. Here you can
  see other views like breakpoints, variables or the running


The user will automaticlly see only the views he really
  needs for his current work. Cause I like this concept, I was
  inspired to implement this possibility for Visual Basic
  developers. And this is also the final goal for this


But you can do more with this Control than just create IDE
  apps. Just have a look at the "VbDoc" example in the download
  and see how simply it is to work with perspectives and which
  surplus values you get.


Thanks for your interest on my work.







Version 0.3.x (December 2004)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
+PerspectivesDifferent sets of layouted views (forms) to switch
    between different perspectives. Perspectives descripe the
    presentation of theire views.
+ViewsViews are representing simple Visual Basic standard
    forms and could be accessed by a unique view id. Note thar
    there could only be one view instance visible on each
    perspective. When the user changes the perspective, no view
    will be unloaded. Only the position and the visibility of
    views will be changed. So if the user switches back to the
    first perspective the layout will not be lost or
+FoldersViews are layouted on the perspective by folders. The
    sense of a folder is to provide the ability to show views
    stacked together with other views. There is only one view
    visible for each folder. The visible view could be canged
    by tabs.
+View HandlingShow, activate and close views on
    the active perspective by theire id. You can also
    maximize and restore views / editors.
+Drag & DropDrag a view while press and hold the left mouse button
    on views caption. If you hold the button a while (500 ms) a
    focus rectangle will appear. Now you can select an other
    folder to drop the view by releasing the mouse button. You
    can also create new folders if you drop the view on the
    top, left, bottom or right of a folder. The new folder will
    appear in the relation you drop the view.
+Office 2003 Color SchemeThis scheme has different color styles for
    classic, metallic (silver), homestead
    (olive) and normal (blue) mode.


Version 0.8.33 (January 2005)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
+New Color SchemeNew Windows XP Color Scheme as a replacement for the
    Office 2003 Color Scheme.
+Custom Color SchemesDevelopers can set custom colors by IScheme
+EditorsOpen, Activate, Close
+Folder CaptionsFolders now have a caption which shows the name of the
    open view.
+Floating WindowsIf you drop a view to the outside of the perspective a
    floating window will apear.
+Auto Hide Folder TabsThe folders tabs are invisible if there is only one
    view on it.
+Tabs Orientation
     For better distinguish between folders and the editor
     area the following tab orientation were set:

  • The orientation of the folder tabs changed to
          bottom orientation.

  • The orientation of the editor area tabs changed to
          top orientation.


+Editor Tabs OrientationThe orientation of the editor area tabs changed to top
-Flicker effectsI reduced the flickering on resize a perspective by a
    new rendering method.
-PerformenceOptimized Performence on layouting perspectives.
-FoldersRefresh Layout after remove a maximized folder
-ShowView() MethodeShowView creates a new folder if perspective has none


Version 0.8.91 (30. January 2004)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
+Folder CaptionNew buttons on folder caption to maximize / restore the
    folder and to close a view.


Version 0.8.92 (31st January 2005)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
+Folder CaptionCaption button became a hover and pressed style
+Tabs NavigationTabs now have navigation buttons (show previous and
    next view). The editor area tabs also got a close editor
+Editor NavigationNew perspective methods: NextEditor() +
+Floating windowsSet the main window as the new owner of floating


Version 0.8.94

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
-Floating windowsIf you move floating windows to mouse cursor doesn't
    position at the middle of the folder caption anymore.


Version 0.8.95 (1st February 2005)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
+Tab NavigationAuto hide and disable tab navigation buttons
-Color SchemeFixed classic window style.


Version 0.8.96 (2nd February 2005)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
-Floating WindowsFixed floating windows bug on closing a perspective and
    open it again.
+Perspective LayoutSet folders as floating windows at application
+Floating WindowsDrop multiple views on a floating window.
+VbDoc exampleNew example application "VbDoc" (creates a html
    documentation of your Visual Basic 6.0 projects).


Version 0.8.97 (4th February 2005)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
-Perspective LayoutFixed a bug on switching between perspectives when a view is maximized.
+Color SchemesNew perspective property ColorScheme to select a color scheme (Windows XP, Office 2003, Custom).
+Custom SchemeYou can define colors for the custom scheme with different properties in Visual Basic IDE.


Version 0.8.98 (7th February 2005)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
+PerspectiveI made the perspective control alignable so you are able to drop it on a MDI form.
+Caption ButtonsCaption buttons are drawn like the caption gradients.
-View CaptionI have fixed the ShowViewCaptions perspective property. Now the view caption
  won't be displayed if you set this property to false. But the views are
      still dragable. Just drag it by its tab or double click on a tab to maximize /
  restore the view. If caption buttons are hidden the view navigation is displayed
  to close a view.
+View CaptionI renamed the ShowViewCaptions perspective property to ViewCaptions.
+View Caption IconI have implemented a new property ViewCaptionIcons to show or hide an icon on
      the left side of the caption.
-Floating WindowsFloating windows can float over it self and a floating rect will be drawn if you
      drag a view to the middle of the editor area.



Version 0.8.99 (11th February 2005)

+ / -Feature / BugfixDescription
+FoldersYou can define an active view for each folder.
-FoldersThe active view of a folder will be stored if you switch to an other
  perspective and come back to the first perspective.
+View CaptionDouble click the views caption to undock a view and make it a floating window.
-Splitter BarsIf you move the main window without to resize it, the drag and drop of the
splitter bars were drawn wrong. I have fixed this bug.
+CommentsI add more comments to describe the methods, but still not all.

About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 137 times


Visual Basic 6


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