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Get drive information (Disk ID, FreeSpace, Label, etc)

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

These functions will provide you quick, fail-safe information about a specific disk letter you specify (ex: "C:" )

GetDriveSerialID - Returns the serial number of a drive partition (if available)

GetDriveFreeSpace - Returns the free space of the specified drive (if available)

GetDriveSize - Returns the total drive space (if available)

GetDriveUsedSpace - Returns the used disk space of the specified drive (if available)

GetDriveLabel - Returns the volume label of the specified drive

Some functions are declared as variant instead of longs, avoiding the 2GB limit.

Original Author: Filipe Lage


I know that this isn't new, and this information could be optained in many different ways (using API, etc).

I'm just providing this info for beginers.


Put this code in a new form and add one button (named "Command1")

------------ ~ --------------

Public Function GetDriveSerialID(diskletter As String) As String

On Error Resume Next

Set c = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

GetDriveSerialID = Hex(c.drives(Left(diskletter, 1)).serialnumber)

Set c = Nothing

End Function

Public Function GetDriveFreeSpace(diskletter As String) As Variant

On Error Resume Next

Set c = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

GetDriveFreeSpace = 0 ' default

GetDriveFreeSpace = c.drives(Left(diskletter, 1)).freespace

Set c = Nothing

End Function

Public Function GetDriveSize(diskletter As String) As Variant

On Error Resume Next

Set c = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

GetDriveSize = 0 ' default

GetDriveSize = c.drives(Left(diskletter, 1)).totalsize

Set c = Nothing

End Function

Public Function GetDriveUsedSpace(diskletter As String) As Variant

On Error Resume Next

GetDriveUsedSpace = GetDriveSize(diskletter) - GetDriveFreeSpace(diskletter)

End Function

Public Function GetDriveLabel(diskletter As String) As String

On Error Resume Next

Set c = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

GetDriveLabel = c.drives(Left(diskletter, 1)).volumename

Set c = Nothing

End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()

UseHD = "C:"

Debug.Print "Volume Label: " & GetDriveLabel("c")

Debug.Print "Disk serial number: " & GetDriveSerialID("c")

Debug.Print "Free space: " & GetDriveFreeSpace("s") & " bytes"

Debug.Print "Total drive size: " & GetDriveSize("c") & " bytes"

Debug.Print "Total used space: " & GetDriveUsedSpace("c") & " bytes"

End Sub

------------ ~ --------------

Vote if you wish. I appreciate it

// FCLage

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 259 times


Visual Basic 6


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