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Configuring Windows Server as an iSCSI Target Server

Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) has become a popular protocol for establishing and managing connections between IP-based storage devices. Using iSCSI, you can link storage resources over IP networks, making them appear as locally attached drives. One significant advantage of this approach is the ability to centralize storage resources, thereby streamlining management and potentially saving costs.

In this post, we will walk through the steps required to configure a Windows Server as an iSCSI Target Server. This will allow the server to provide block-level storage to other iSCSI initiators on the network.

Steps to Configure Windows Server as an iSCSI Target

Install the iSCSI Target Server Role

Start by installing the necessary server role:

Create an iSCSI Virtual Disk

After installing the role, you'll need to create a virtual disk for your iSCSI target:

Create an iSCSI Target

After the virtual disk, the next step is creating an iSCSI target:

Connect to the iSCSI Target from an Initiator

With the target set up, clients can now connect

Initialize and Format the Disk

The first time an initiator connects to the iSCSI virtual disk, you'll need to initialize and format it:


Setting up an iSCSI Target Server on Windows Server is straightforward and offers a flexible solution for centralized storage needs. Remember always to keep security in mind, using authentication and firewalls to protect your storage resources. By understanding the process and the potential benefits, you can leverage iSCSI effectively in your IT environment.

About this post

Posted: 2023-09-18
By: dwirch
Viewed: 253 times



Windows Server


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