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Google Pushes for Passkeys Over Passwords

Starting from its launch in May, Google is gearing up to prompt users to adopt passkeys for platforms like Gmail, YouTube, and other native services. With this system, accessing your Google Account will require only a username followed by authentication via your device's built-in security measures, like PINs, fingerprints, or facial recognition.

Earlier, users had to navigate to for setup. Soon, however, Google will begin to prompt users to establish passkeys during their subsequent logins. It's worth noting that individual passkeys must be created for every device – from phones to desktops. Interestingly, with passkeys in place, Google's 2-Step Verification (2SV) becomes redundant.

For those who prefer the traditional method, the option to use passwords over passkeys remains available. In case of a lost device, passkeys can be revoked through account settings.

Feedback indicates a favorable reception to passkeys, with over 64% of users finding them more user-friendly than passwords or 2SV. In fact, the passkey sign-in process reportedly works 40% faster than its password counterpart.

Google's broader mission, in collaboration with its partners, is to extend passkey functionality throughout Chrome and Android ecosystems. The ultimate aim? Phasing out passwords, which are vulnerable to sharing, phishing, and breaches. Passkeys represent a safer alternative, aligning with the tech industry's vision for a password-free future.

What is a Passkey?

A passkey, in the context of digital security, is a type of authentication mechanism that replaces the traditional username-password combination for accessing accounts or systems. Instead of remembering and entering a complex password, users use a simpler and often more secure method to prove their identity. This could involve:

  1. Biometric verification: Such as a fingerprint scan, facial recognition, or iris scan.
  2. Physical devices: Like a hardware token or a smart card.
  3. PINs: Short numeric codes that are easier to remember than complex passwords.
  4. Other methods: Such as one-time codes sent via SMS or generated by an app.

Passkeys can be particularly advantageous as they often represent a more secure and user-friendly approach to authentication. They are less prone to common security threats like phishing attacks or data breaches since there's no static password to be stolen. They also align with the industry's broader push towards "passwordless" authentication, which seeks to reduce or eliminate the use of easily compromised passwords.

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Posted: 2023-10-10
By: dwirch
Viewed: 204 times




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