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Google's Homepage Evolution

Google contemplates significant alterations to its traditional homepage. A previous trial transitioned the simplistic white backdrop to feature information cards, such as weather updates and stock data. The latest experiment, highlighted by MSPoweruser, emphasizes news content.

Rather than just showcasing the iconic Google logo, search bar, and minimal buttons, this experiment mirrors the "Google Discover" format from its mobile application. This new layout offers a series of news stories tailored to user interests by Google's algorithms. Notably, the promoted sites can vary greatly in credibility and content. Adjacent to the news stories, "at a glance" cards present sports updates, stock data, and weather forecasts. This refreshed design gives Google a more crowded appearance, resembling competitors like Bing and Yahoo.

This modification is currently under testing in India.

As with the prior info card trial, there's no guarantee this new design will be globally implemented. If it does roll out, it might be an optional feature, retaining the classic Google interface for those who prefer it. This approach recalls Google's past initiative, iGoogle, which allowed users to personalize their homepage with news, weather, and stocks.

However, the current disparity between Google's mobile application and desktop site is intriguing. If "Google Discover" serves a business purpose on the mobile platform, logically, the same rationale should extend to their main site. Given Google's 2023 inclination towards revenue-driven decisions, a significant homepage overhaul might be on the horizon.

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Posted: 2023-10-16
By: dwirch
Viewed: 175 times




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