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Posts by dwirch

1064 hits, 133 pages | Prev | Next

10 Windows Text-Entry Tricks You Should Be Using

If you spend a significant chunk of your day typing away on your computer, you'll love these nifty text-entry tricks that Windows has up its sleeve. From time-saving shortcuts to hidden gems, let's dive into 10 Windows text-entry tricks that can make your typing experience smoother and more efficient.

Posted:2024-01-11, 138 views, filed under: Tip, Blog, Windows, Windows 10, Windows 11

12 Things to Try if your Network Adapter is not Working

You're cruising through the digital landscape, and suddenly, your network adapter decides to take a nap. Before you panic and call in the tech cavalry, let's explore 12 tried-and-true things you can try to revive that dormant network adapter.

Posted:2024-01-13, 100 views, filed under: Tip, Hardware

13 Career Alternatives for IT Professionals

It's not uncommon for individuals with extensive experience in a specific field, like IT, to seek a change. Your expertise in IT has likely provided you with a wealth of transferable skills and knowledge. But what to do?  You've made a significant investment in building your skills and abilities, and it would be a pity to let all that knowledge go to waste.

Posted:2023-08-21, 395 views, filed under: Blog, Tech Career

13 Fixes When Windows 11 Wi-Fi Is Not Showing Up

Wi-Fi connectivity issues can be frustrating, especially when your Windows 11 device fails to detect any available networks. Whether you're unable to see any Wi-Fi networks or your network adapter is missing entirely, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue. In this blog post, we'll explore thirteen effective fixes to help you get your Wi-Fi back up and running on Windows 11.

Posted:2024-02-09, 59 views, filed under: Tip, Networking, Windows 11

13 Ways to Fix Windows Drag and Drop not Working

Posted:2024-03-17, 40 views, filed under: Windows

13 Ways to Improve your Work/Life Balance

Setting clear boundaries is crucial for preserving your work/life balance. By establishing and enforcing boundaries, you help separate your professional and personal life, reducing the chance of one intruding on the other. Here's how you can set clear boundaries:

Posted:2023-08-21, 164 views, filed under: Blog, Tech Career

15 Effective Solutions to Fix Microsoft Store Error 0x80131500

Are you encountering error code 0x80131500 when trying to access or download apps from the Microsoft Store? This frustrating issue can disrupt your workflow and prevent you from enjoying the full range of features and applications available on Windows. However, fear not, as there are several methods to troubleshoot and resolve this error. In this guide, we'll explore 15 effective solutions to help you fix Microsoft Store error 0x80131500 and get back to using your Windows device seamlessly.

Posted:2024-02-07, 54 views, filed under: Tip, Windows

163 Clever WiFi Network Names

You don't have to name your wifi network something boring. Why not have a little fun with it?

Posted:2021-12-01, 467 views, filed under: Tech Jokes, Blog, Humor

1064 hits, 133 pages | Prev | Next