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MMS 2011: Day One
So I arrived yesterday for the yearly Microsoft Management Summit.
Posted:2011-03-22, 1273 views

MMS 2011: Day Three
Lots of great monitoring and management topics were covered today at MMS 2011.
Posted:2011-03-23, 1774 views

MMS 2011: Day five wrap up
Last day in Las Vegas! The party last night was not too shabby, even being thrown and attended by some hardcore geeks.
Posted:2011-03-26, 2539 views

MMS 2011: Day Two
First up today, breakfast!  The off to the first of two keynote speeches.
Posted:2011-03-23, 1161 views

MMS 2011: Day Four
Another beautiful day in Las Vegas.
Posted:2011-03-24, 1631 views

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