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User PowerShell to send a pop-up
Nothing magical here, just a little something to help get the attention of whoever is at the keyboard on a remote machine.
Posted:2017-12-13, 601 views

Checking Profile Existence on Remote Machines with PowerShell
Need to find every workstation that a user has logged on to? Security event logs rolled over or you can't otherwise get that info from the domain controllers? Here is a way to get it.
Posted:2016-02-23, 3843 views

PSMetrics Part 1: Overview of the project
Metrics are a necessary evil in the IT world.
Posted:2016-11-09, 1709 views

Organize Photos with Powershell
Like a lot of smartphone users, I like to take pictures.
Posted:2016-05-09, 6971 views

Check Remote Services with Powershell
If you need to check the status of a service across several machines, and don't have monitoring in place, you can use PowerShell to get Running/Stopped/Starting status quickly.
Posted:2014-08-02, 6511 views

Auto Downloading SCEP Definitions with PowerShell
I've been asked how to automate the download of fresh definitions for SCEP definitions in an enterprise environment, so here is an easy way to do it with PowerShell.
Posted:2016-07-08, 3909 views

Offline Machine Tracking with PowerShell
Here's a simple little script that will track which computers are offline, and how long they have been offline.
Posted:2017-10-19, 1239 views

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