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IRQ Assignments
Anyone who has ever tried to install a legacy (non plug-and-play) device has learned that device configuration can be a world of confusion for the novice.
Posted:2008-02-15, 2772 views

Choosing the Right Power Supply
The power supply is the least respected and most overlooked component in your PC.
Posted:2010-05-12 , 1898 views

The last few years have witnessed some exhilarating developments in the manufacturing of hard drives with the introduction of larger caches, quicker spindle speeds, greater data transmission speeds, and better reliability.
Posted:2008-10-24, 1741 views

Five Hardware Myths
The big boys in the computer industry want you to continue thinking the way you are.
Posted:2011-02-05, 877 views

RAID Basics
Technology, how we love it until something goes wrong and we end up yelling at our computer screens.
Posted:2009-08-27 , 1689 views

$70 for a USB stick?
System administrators who have HP blade servers in their environments probably know all about the pain of paying for HP-branded USB sticks for use in their BL490's.
Posted:2011-06-29, 1380 views

Top 4 Reasons for PC Slowdowns
Remember when your PC was fresh out of the box and super-fast? Those were the days, when boot times were less than the time it takes to hard-boil an egg.
Posted:2011-04-16 , 1095 views

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