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2021 Password Stats

In an effort to promote security, passwords used by millions of people around the world have been analyzed, and it seems that there a LOT of people out there that are not following good password practices.

Take a look at these lists, and use them as a guide of what not to use in your password.

Fifty Most Used Passwords

123456 123123 mustang 7777777 harley
password baseball 666666 fuckyou zxcvbnm
12345678 abc123 qwertyuiop qazwsx asdfgh
qwerty football 123321 jordan buster
123456789 monkey 1234567890 jennifer andrew
12345 letmein pussy 123qwe batman
1234 shadow superman 121212 soccer
111111 master 270 killer tigger
1234567 696969 654321 trustno1 charlie
dragon michael 1qaz2wsx hunter robert

Most Common Word Selections

Most Used Nouns Verbs Colors Animals Fruits Love My Superheroes
password master welcome red fish apple iloveyou mylove batman
qwerty football enter blue bear orange IloveU mypass superman
qwer killer please black monkey banana Ilovesex myself ironman
dragon angel flash green tiger peach iloveme mybaby hawkeye
qazwsx summer chase white wolf lemon ilovegod mylife spiderman
alex money catch pink bird cherry ilovehim myname gambit
love freedom express orange eagle mango iloveit mypassword wolverine
monkey access enjoy brown lion kiwi iloveher mygirl thor
master green remember purple fox grape iloveporn mykids punisher
shadow silver rescue yellow chicken melon ilovemyself mynameis cyclops

About this post

Posted: 2021-12-27
By: dwirch
Viewed: 462 times






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