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How to Install or Remove Dropbox on Ubuntu

Dropbox is a popular cloud storage solution that helps users store, sync, and share their files and folders effortlessly across devices. For Ubuntu users, integrating Dropbox can be particularly beneficial as it bridges the gap between the Linux desktop environment and other platforms like Windows and macOS. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to install or uninstall Dropbox in Ubuntu.

Installing Dropbox in Ubuntu

Method 1: Using the Dropbox Official Repository

Adding the Dropbox Repository

To ensure you get updates as they?óÔé¼Ôäóre released, it's a good idea to add the official Dropbox repository.

echo "deb [arch=i386,amd64] $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list

Importing the Dropbox GPG Key

This will ensure the packages you download from the repository are trusted.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1C61A2656FB57B7E4DE0F4C1FC918B335044912E

Installing the Dropbox Daemon

sudo apt update
sudo apt install dropbox

Starting Dropbox

Once installed, you can start Dropbox from the terminal using:

dropbox start

On first start, it will download the proprietary daemon and will prompt you to log in to your Dropbox account.

Method 2: Using the Ubuntu Software Center

You can also install Dropbox from the Ubuntu Software Center. Simply:

Uninstalling Dropbox from Ubuntu

Method 1: Using the Terminal

To remove Dropbox and its associated data:

Stop the Dropbox service:

dropbox stop

Uninstall the Dropbox package:

sudo apt remove dropbox

If you want to remove all configurations and Dropbox-related data, you can also delete the .dropbox and Dropbox folders from your home directory:

rm -rf ~/.dropbox ~/.Dropbox

Method 2: Using the Ubuntu Software Center


Dropbox provides an efficient way for Ubuntu users to access and synchronize their data across devices. Whether you're installing or uninstalling, the process in Ubuntu is straightforward. Remember to back up important data before making any major software changes, and happy syncing!

About this post

Posted: 2023-10-04
By: dwirch
Viewed: 373 times





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