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How do I hide the clock in the Windows XP Notification Area (System Tray)?

Windows XP provides a mechanism for hiding the clock in the Notification Area. You can hide the clock for a specific user or from all users of the Windows XP computer.

To hide the clock for the current user:
1. Copy / Paste the following to a HideClock.reg file:


2. Merge the HideClock.reg file with the user's registry or run regedit /s HideClock.reg.

3. The user must log off and log on for this setting to take effect.

To hide the clock for all users:
1. Copy / Paste the following to a HideClock.reg file:


2. Merge the HideClock.reg file with the registry or run regedit /s HideClock.reg.

3. You must restart Windows XP for this setting to take effect.

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Posted: 2005-11-1
By: FortyPoundHead
Viewed: 1,635 times



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