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Seven Ways to Ensure Your Email Gets Read

Make sure they read your email

Do you get so much e-mail every day that you find it hard to read it all? If you're like a lot of us, you might spend as little as 15 seconds scanning a message to determine how it applies to you. Now, imagine if that's how people are reading your e-mail. If they can't quickly identify why your message is important or if it requires action, you probably know where it goes. Your message is deleted or stays in the Inbox for "later" if later ever comes.

This document will give 7 tips to ensure that your e-mail messages get read and the attention they deserve.

Make the Purpose of the Message Clear

State the purpose of your message in the first sentence. When you write your message, consider the results you want and highlight it in the first paragraph. Readers will know in just a quick glance how the e-mail relates to them and why it's important. Also, keep in mind that many people may be looking at just a preview of your message in Microsoft Office Outlook or on a Microsoft Windows Mobile-based device, such as a SmartPhone or PDA. The quicker you can state the purpose of the message, the better response you'll get.

Tell Recipients What Action You Want Them to Take

Be completely clear about what action(s) you want the recipients to take. Be specific and put all the material related to an action in one place. To get even faster responses, talk in terms of how the action relates to the recipient's objectives, and always give due dates. It's also important to clarify what type of action you want the recipient to take. There are basically 4 types of actions you could request. If you clarify to this level of detail the recipient will most likely read the e-mail and take the action right away. The four actions include:

Provide the Proper Data and Documents

Make sure you give recipients all of the information they need to complete an action or respond successfully to your request. Your co-workers shouldn't have to come back to you asking for information, whether it is a supporting document or a link to a file on a shared Web site. You can include supporting information in the body of the message, in an attached file, or in an attached e-mail. In addition, if you want recipients to fill out a form, it's a good idea to attach a sample copy of the form that shows how it should be filled out.

Write a Subject Line that Relates to What You Want

This is one of my favorites, because the Subject line is the first thing recipients see when downloading your e-mail messages. If your Subject line is confusing and irrelevant, your e-mail will surely get deleted in a hurry. Here are some examples of what can be included in Subject lines to make sure the reader opens your mail:

An example of an effective Subject line is "Action Requested - Consolidate all department spreadsheets for FY '06 budget and return to me by June 15th."

Send the Message Only to Relevant Recipients

Target your message to the appropriate audience. Only people who have to complete an action on the subject line should be receiving your message. Be thoughtful and respectful when you put people on the To: line. People will observe your thoughtfulness and the results will be more effective. Here are two simple questions to help you filter the To: line recipients:

Use the CC: Line Wisely

It's tempting to put loads of people on the CC: line to cover your bases, but doing so is one of the fastest ways to create an unproductive environment. Here are some things to consider when using the CC: line:

Ask "Final Questions" Before you Hit "Send"

The final thing you want to do is check your work to be sure you are supporting meaningful actions. Sending clear, well-defined messages can reduce the volume of e-mail you send and receive, encouraging correct action, saving time, and limiting e-mail trails. Make sure you ask the following questions before you send the message:

One More Thing

Don't send junk e-mail.  One of the quickest ways to get onto people's "delete radar" is overwhelm them with meaningless e-mail. Responding to e-mail with "I got your e-mail, thanks," or sending out lots of irrelevant data that you think they might want to know about is a quick way to create a track record of sending unproductive mail.

To summarize, it is incredibly easy to create an unproductive culture using e-mail. Follow these guidelines and you can be sure you and your team are able to keep focused on meaningful objectives and don't create e-mail overload.

About this post

Posted: 2007-04-10
By: FortyPoundHead
Viewed: 1,867 times






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