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8076 hits, 1010 pages | Prev | Next

!!!!***Cool Roll***!!!!

Posted:2002-06-01, 168 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

!!!*Hide the Mouse Pointer!! EASY!*!!!

This simple code hides the mouse pointer when you want to. (o:

Posted:2002-06-01, 188 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

!Create your own HTML Editor fast!

Posted:2002-06-01, 223 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

!Make the textbox Locked for inputs and NOT grey!

Posted:2002-06-01, 144 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

(Screen Saver) diffuseGravity

Posted:2002-06-01, 150 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

(Update) RC4 Stream Cipher (with file handling )

This code offers you a strong encryption with RC4. I've tested it a lot and it's the right implementation of the RC4 cipher.

Posted:2002-06-01, 210 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

* Make Your Own *WAV* Player! *

Posted:2002-06-01, 193 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

* Make your own Active X Binary Control!!! *

Posted:2002-06-01, 174 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

8076 hits, 1010 pages | Prev | Next