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Ophion Time Tracking
Need a way to track the time you spend each day? Still tracking your info on a spreadsheet? Post-it notes? Matchbook covers? Ophion was built to fill this need.
Posted:2024-03-01, 69 views

6 PC Gaming Myths That Just Won't Die
PC gaming has come a long way since its inception, evolving into a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem that continues to push the boundaries of technology and gaming experiences.
Posted:2024-02-03, 64 views

10 Creative Ways to Repurpose Your Old Computer
it's easy to accumulate old computers that are no longer up to par with the latest advancements.
Posted:2024-02-07, 73 views

10 Windows Text-Entry Tricks You Should Be Using
If you spend a significant chunk of your day typing away on your computer, you'll love these nifty text-entry tricks that Windows has up its sleeve.
Posted:2024-01-11, 148 views

How Do Password Managers Fit into the Password-Less Future?
The concept of a password-less future envisions a world where traditional passwords are replaced or supplemented by more secure and user-friendly authentication methods.
Posted:2024-01-07, 63 views

How Many FPS Can the Human Eye See?
Ever found yourself in the middle of a heated debate about frames per second (FPS) and wondered, "How many FPS can the human eye really see?" Well, you're not alone.
Posted:2024-01-06, 71 views

8 SSD Myths and Misconceptions People Still Believe
Let's dive deep into the world of Solid State Drives (SSDs) and debunk some myths that have been lingering around like stubborn shadows.
Posted:2024-01-06, 72 views

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