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Book Release: Mastering Time
Exciting News! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my latest book, Mastering Time: A System Administrators Guide for Time Management.
Posted:2024-01-05, 718 views

Was Vista Really That Bad?
The perception of Windows Vista as "bad" is subjective and depends on individual experiences and expectations.
Posted:2023-12-22, 119 views

Revive and Thrive: 10 Ways to Breathe New Life into Your Old PC
Hey tech wizards and PC aficionados! Are you stuck in the slow lane with your aging computer? Fear not! It's time to unleash the dormant power of your trusty old PC and bring it back to life.
Posted:2023-12-22, 101 views

Embrace the Classics: Reverting to the Classic Ribbon in Microsoft Office
Have you ever found yourself navigating the latest version of Microsoft Office, only to feel a bit lost in the sea of changes? Fear not! We've got your back.
Posted:2023-12-22, 142 views

8 Creative Ways to Repurpose Old Hard Drives: Give Your Storage a Second Life
What do you do with those old hard drives that have faithfully stored your data for years? Instead of relegating them to the forgotten corners of your home, consider repurposing them for various creative and practical uses.
Posted:2023-12-19, 207 views

Creating a Windows 11 Image with SysPrep
When it comes to deploying Windows 11 across multiple systems, creating a standardized image is crucial.
Posted:2023-09-27, 632 views

7 Essential Tips for Perfect Digital Photos
Having difficulty capturing stunning digital photos? Whether you've been snapping pictures for a while or missed capturing memorable events like a Paris trip or a birthday, the quality of your photos may not always be up to par.
Posted:2023-09-20, 377 views

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