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SQL 2012 SP1 Setup NetFx3 Error

Installing SQL 2012 SP1 on a brand new, fully patched Windows 2012 server can give you a rather cryptic error which mentions something called NetFx3. Setup doesn't bomb, though, and continues to the end, where it fails. The fix, easy enough.

When performing the SQL install, the setup program is supposed to check for prerequisites, and if any are missing, install them as needed. However, there appears to be a bug in the setup program, and a prerequisite is found, but not installed. Set up fails, after 20 minutes of file copying.

Here is the error message:

Pretty cryptic, no? NetFx3 actually refers to the .Net 3.5 framework, which is a dependency for SQL and the management tools to run correctly. Seems kind of hokey to me that SQL 2012 relies on .Net 3.5, but I guess not all the code could migrated at once, right? How would they get you to pay for yet another upgrade?

All you have to do is fire up Server Manager, and add the feature.

And that's it! If you did everything right, you should be able to install SQL 2012 now, with no issues.

Did I leave something out? Let me know in the comments.


About this post

Posted: 2014-01-16
By: dwirch
Viewed: 1,217 times





Windows Server


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