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Monitoring, virtualization, and code. Oh, my.
Things have been pretty quiet around here lateley, haven't they? So it would seem.
Posted:2011-09-24, 2046 views

SCOM Maintenance Mode - Use it
SCOM has an option which is called Maintenance Mode.
Posted:2011-08-29, 4025 views

VM Fails to Start with Error 12711
System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) can be a bit less than helpful when describing reasons for failed operations.
Posted:2014-08-11, 10255 views

SCOM: Recipient Address Not Valid
System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is a great tool for monitoring your infrastructure.
Posted:2013-12-30, 3309 views

SCOM 2012 Agent "Not Monitored"
Recently, I rebuilt my SCOM environment (don't ask), re-attaching all the previously existing agents to the new installation.
Posted:2015-10-27, 14502 views

Create a VM Checkpoint in SCVMM
In a virtualized environment, we have the ability to create point-in-time snapshots, or checkpoints in Microsoft parlance, of virtual machines.
Posted:2014-08-20, 11166 views

Start SCOM Maintenance Mode with PowerShell
Turns on Maintenance Mode for a specific computer monitored by SCOM (System Center Operations Manager).
Posted:2017-12-13, 605 views

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