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CSS Template: The Plan
A magazine-style CSS template for your website, free and original, from fortypoundhead.
Posted:2011-05-22, 2123 views

System Uptime Utility
This is a simple but useful command line utility for determining the uptime of the local computer.
Posted:2017-11-12, 1344 views

Logoff User After Idle
Recently, there was a request for our team to implement a new security requirement for workstations.
Posted:2017-09-27, 96808 views

Test File Builder
Recently, I had been tasked to test transfer rates for a long haul connection.
Posted:2009-05-14, 2081 views

Pusher - Screenshots and Download
Pusher is now freely available.
Posted:2009-12-17, 3935 views

System Administrator Excuse Generator Service
Part of the job of a system administrator is to define root cause for a problem or outage this is happening.
Posted:2017-11-17, 1757 views

Companion Service for Malicious IP Checker
Now that I've gathered a good sized database of malicious IP addresses, I thought I would dust off my keyboard and build a service for checking IP addresses for "badness".
Posted:2017-08-12, 1990 views

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