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Compression, uncompression using RLE-algorithm

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Compresses strings, most effective on bitmap files

Original Author:


'Copyright 1997 Jouni vuorio
public function compress()
On Error Resume Next
For TT = 1 To Len(Text1)
sana1 = Mid(Text1, TT, 1)
sana2 = Mid(Text1, TT + 1, 1)
sana3 = Mid(Text1, TT + 2, 1)
X = 1
If Not sana1 = sana2 Then l?Âyty = 2
If sana1 = sana2 Then
If sana1 = sana3 Then
l?Âyty = 1
End If
End If

If l?Âyty = 1 Then
X = X + 1
merkki = Mid(Text1, TT + X + 1, 1)
If merkki = sana1 Then GoTo alku
sana = Chr(255) & Chr(X - 1) & sana1
TT = TT + X
End If
If l?Âyty = 2 Then sana = sana1
Text = Text & sana
Text1 = Text
end function
public function uncompress()
On Error Resume Next
For TT = 1 To Len(Text1)
sana1 = Asc(Mid(Text1, TT, 1))
sana2 = Asc(Mid(Text1, TT + 1, 1))
sana3 = Asc(Mid(Text1, TT + 2, 1))
sana4 = Asc(Mid(Text1, TT - 1, 1))
If sana1 = 255 Then
For TT6 = 1 To sana2
sana = sana & Chr(sana3)
sana1 = ""
sana2 = ""
End If
If sana = "" Then
If Not sana4 = 255 Then
sana = Chr(sana1)
End If
End If
Text = Text & sana
sana = ""

Text1 = Text
end function
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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 120 times


Visual Basic 6


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