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Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Sorts a 2-dimensional array

Original Author: Gordon Fuller


TempArray Variant
iElement Integer
iDimension Integer
bAscOrder Boolean


Best used for smaller arrays, since the bubblesort algorithm is not suited to very large arrays


Boolean if the sort was successful


' Name:     Sort_TwoDimensionBubble
' VB Version:  6.00
' Called by:  Procedures     Events
'        ----------     ------
' Author:    Gordon McI. Fuller
' Copyright:  ?®2000 Force 10 Automation
' Created:   Friday, March 17, 2000
' Modified:   [Friday, March 17, 2000]
' Purpose:
' Inputs:  Param    Name          Type    Meaning
'      -----    ----          ----    -------
'            TempArray        Variant
'      Optional  iElement        Integer
'      Optional  iDimension       Integer = 1
'      Optional  bAscOrder        Boolean = True
' Returns:   True/False for success of the sort
' Global Used:
' Module used:
' Notes:    This is a bubble sort
'        For large arrays it may not be the most efficient
'          option, but I haven't found anything in a
'          multi-dimension sort using another algorithm.
'  Sample array  array(0,0) = Apples
'          array(0,1) = 5
'          array(0,2) = Tree
'          array(1,0) = Grapes
'          ...
'      Apples     5    Tree
'      Grapes     2    Vine
'      Pears      3    Tree
'  The iDimension is 1 because it am sorting by the "rows" of the
'    first dimension rather than the "columns" of the 2nd
'  Since we would want to sort by the numeric value,
'    the iElement variable is 1
'  bAscOrder indicates whether the sort order is ascending or descending
'  If the array were structured as
'         array(0,0) = "Apples"
'         array(1,0) = 5
'         array(2,0) = Tree
'         ...
'      Apples     Grapes   Tree
'      5        2      3
'      Tree      Vine    Tree
'  iDimension will be 2 since we are sorting on the "columns"
'  iElement will still be 1 since we are sorting by that numeric value
Function Sort_TwoDimensionBubble(TempArray As Variant, _
            Optional iElement As Integer = 1, _
            Optional iDimension As Integer = 1, _
            Optional bAscOrder As Boolean = True) As Boolean
  Dim arrTemp As Variant
  Dim i%, j%
  Dim NoExchanges As Integer
  On Error GoTo Error_BubbleSort
  ' Loop until no more "exchanges" are made.
  If iDimension% = 1 Then
    ReDim arrTemp(1, UBound(TempArray, 2))
    ReDim arrTemp(UBound(TempArray, 1), 1)
  End If
    NoExchanges = True
    ' Loop through each element in the array.
    If iDimension% = 1 Then
      For i% = LBound(TempArray, iDimension%) To UBound(TempArray, iDimension%) - 1
        ' If the element is greater than the element
        ' following it, exchange the two elements.
        If (bAscOrder And (TempArray(i%, iElement%) > TempArray(i% + 1, iElement%))) _
            Or (Not bAscOrder And (TempArray(i%, iElement%) < TempArray(i% + 1, iElement%))) _
            NoExchanges = False
            For j% = LBound(TempArray, 2) To UBound(TempArray, 2)
              arrTemp(1, j%) = TempArray(i%, j%)
            Next j%
            For j% = LBound(TempArray, 2) To UBound(TempArray, 2)
              TempArray(i%, j%) = TempArray(i% + 1, j%)
            Next j%
            For j% = LBound(TempArray, 2) To UBound(TempArray, 2)
              TempArray(i% + 1, j%) = arrTemp(1, j%)
            Next j%
        End If
      Next i%
      For i% = LBound(TempArray, iDimension%) To UBound(TempArray, iDimension%) - 1
        ' If the element is greater than the element
        ' following it, exchange the two elements.
        If (bAscOrder And (TempArray(iElement%, i%) > TempArray(iElement%, i% + 1))) _
            Or (Not bAscOrder And (TempArray(iElement%, i%) < TempArray(iElement%, i% + 1))) _
            NoExchanges = False
            For j% = LBound(TempArray, 1) To UBound(TempArray, 1)
              arrTemp(j%, 1) = TempArray(j%, i%)
            Next j%
            For j% = LBound(TempArray, 1) To UBound(TempArray, 1)
              TempArray(j%, i%) = TempArray(j%, i% + 1)
            Next j%
            For j% = LBound(TempArray, 1) To UBound(TempArray, 1)
              TempArray(j%, i% + 1) = arrTemp(j%, 1)
            Next j%
        End If
      Next i%
    End If
  Loop While Not (NoExchanges)
  Sort_TwoDimensionBubble = True
  On Error GoTo 0
  Exit Function
  On Error GoTo 0
  Sort_TwoDimensionBubble = False
End Function

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 104 times


Visual Basic 6


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