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Deleting Directory with all the Subdirectories

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Delete a folder, with all it's subdirectories.

Original Author: Vlad Azarkhin


The folder name, for example:
"c:My documentsstuff" will delete the "stuff" folder.


Simple recursion.

Side Effects

System and hidden files will not be deleted, so the directory won't be deleted either. However You cen rewrite the function a little to work with hidden file.


Public Sub CleanAllPath(sPath As String)
Dim sName As String
Dim sFullName As String
' Array used for holding the directories,
' however collection may be used as well
Dim Dirs() As String
Dim DirsNo As Integer
Dim i As Integer
If Not Right(sPath, 1) = "" Then
sPath = sPath & ""
End If
' clean all files in the directory
sName = Dir(sPath & "*.*")
While Len(sName) > 0
sFullName = sPath & sName
SetAttr sFullName, vbNormal
Kill sFullName
sName = Dir

sName = Dir(sPath & "*.*", vbHidden)
While Len(sName) > 0
sFullName = sPath & sName
SetAttr sFullName, vbNormal
Kill sFullName
sName = Dir

' read all the directories into array
DirsNo = 0
sName = Dir(sPath, vbDirectory)
While Len(sName) > 0
If sName <> "." And sName <> ".." Then
  DirsNo = DirsNo + 1
  ReDim Preserve Dirs(DirsNo) As String
  Dirs(DirsNo - 1) = sName
End If
sName = Dir
For i = 0 To DirsNo - 1
CleanAllPath (sPath & Dirs(i) & "")
RmDir sPath & Dirs(i)
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 109 times


Visual Basic 6


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