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Cool Flat/3D Button *MUST SEE*

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Do you also think, that the normal CommandButton is a bit ugly?
Here is a Button of the next generation...check it out!

Original Author: Henning Tillmann


T O D O:
New Project -> ActiveX Control
Add a Label ("lblCaption") and a Timer ("tmrHighlight").
That's it!


T O D O:
New Project -> ActiveX Control
Add a Label ("lblCaption") and a Timer ("tmrHighlight").
That's it!

Side Effects

Caption cannot contain a LineBreak


Option Explicit
' T O D O:
' ********
' New Project -> ActiveX Control
' Add a Label ("lblCaption")
' and a Timer ("tmrHighlight").
' That's it!

' Private Variables/Types/Enumerations/Constants
' **********************************************
Private Enum htWhatToApply
  apyDrawBorder = 1
  apyBackColor = 2
  apyCaption = 4
  apyEnabled = 8
  apyFont = 16
  apyAll = (apyBackColor Or apyCaption Or apyEnabled Or apyFont)
End Enum
Dim mbHasCapture As Boolean
Dim mpntLabelPos As POINTAPI
Dim mpntOldSize As POINTAPI
' API Declarations/Types/Constants
' ********************************
Private Type POINTAPI
    X As Long
    Y As Long
End Type
Private Type RECT
  Left   As Long
  Top   As Long
  Right  As Long
  Bottom  As Long
End Type
Private Const BDR_RAISEDINNER = &H4
Private Const BDR_RAISEDOUTER = &H1
Private Const BDR_SUNKENINNER = &H8
Private Const BDR_SUNKENOUTER = &H2
Private Const BF_BOTTOM = &H8
Private Const BF_FLAT = &H4000
Private Const BF_LEFT = &H1
Private Const BF_RIGHT = &H4
Private Const BF_TOP = &H2

Private Declare Function apiDrawEdge Lib "user32" _
             Alias "DrawEdge" _
            (ByVal hdc As Long, _
             ByRef qrc As RECT, _
             ByVal edge As Long, _
             ByVal grfFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function apiGetCursorPos Lib "user32" _
             Alias "GetCursorPos" _
            (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function apiWindowFromPoint Lib "user32" _
             Alias "WindowFromPoint" _
            (ByVal xPoint As Long, _
             ByVal yPoint As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function apiDrawFocusRect Lib "user32" _
             Alias "DrawFocusRect" _
            (ByVal hdc As Long, _
             lpRect As RECT) As Long
' Properies (Variables/Constants)
' *******************************
Private mProp_AlwaysHighlighted As Boolean
Private mProp_BackColor     As OLE_COLOR
Private mProp_Caption      As String
Private mProp_Enabled      As Boolean
Private mProp_FocusRect     As Boolean
Private mProp_Font        As StdFont
Private mProp_HoverColor     As OLE_COLOR
Const mDef_AlwaysHighlighted = False
Const mDef_BackColor = vbButtonFace
Const mDef_Caption = "Button2K"
Const mDef_Enabled = True
Const mDef_FocusRect = True
Const mDef_Font = Null               ' Ambient.Font
Const mDef_HoverColor = vbHighlight
' Public Enumerations
' *******************
Public Enum b2kClickReason
End Enum
' Events
' ******
Event Click(ByVal ClickReason As b2kClickReason)
Private Sub tmrHighlight_Timer()
  Dim pntCursor As POINTAPI
  apiGetCursorPos pntCursor
  If apiWindowFromPoint(pntCursor.X, pntCursor.Y) = hWnd Then
   If Not mbHasCapture Then
     Call ApplyProperties(apyDrawBorder)
     lblCaption.ForeColor = mProp_HoverColor
     mbHasCapture = True
   End If
   If mbHasCapture Then
     Line (0, 0)-(ScaleWidth - 1, ScaleHeight - 1), mProp_BackColor, B
     lblCaption.ForeColor = vbButtonText
     mbHasCapture = False
   End If
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_AccessKeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
  RaiseEvent Click(b2kReasonAccessKey)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Click()
  RaiseEvent Click(b2kReasonMouse)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_EnterFocus()
  Dim rctFocus As RECT
  If Not mProp_FocusRect Then Exit Sub
  rctFocus.Left = 3
  rctFocus.Top = 3
  rctFocus.Right = ScaleWidth - 3
  rctFocus.Bottom = ScaleHeight - 3
  apiDrawFocusRect hdc, rctFocus
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_ExitFocus()
  If mProp_FocusRect Then Line (3, 3)-(ScaleWidth - 4, ScaleHeight - 4), mProp_BackColor, B
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
  AutoRedraw = True
  ScaleMode = vbPixels
  lblCaption.Alignment = vbCenter
  lblCaption.AutoSize = True
  lblCaption.BackStyle = vbTransparent
  tmrHighlight.Enabled = False
  tmrHighlight.Interval = 1
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
  Width = 1215
  Height = 375
  mProp_AlwaysHighlighted = mDef_AlwaysHighlighted
  mProp_BackColor = mDef_BackColor
  mProp_Caption = mDef_Caption
  mProp_Enabled = mDef_Enabled
  mProp_FocusRect = mDef_FocusRect
  Set mProp_Font = Ambient.Font
  mProp_HoverColor = mDef_HoverColor
  Call ApplyProperties(apyAll)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
  mProp_AlwaysHighlighted = PropBag.ReadProperty("AlwaysHighlighted", mDef_AlwaysHighlighted)
  mProp_BackColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("BackColor", mDef_BackColor)
  mProp_Caption = PropBag.ReadProperty("Caption", mDef_Caption)
  mProp_Enabled = PropBag.ReadProperty("Enabled", mDef_Enabled)
  mProp_FocusRect = PropBag.ReadProperty("FocusRect", mDef_FocusRect)
  Set mProp_Font = PropBag.ReadProperty("Font", Ambient.Font)
  mProp_HoverColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("HoverColor", mDef_HoverColor)

  Call ApplyProperties(apyAll)
  If Ambient.UserMode Then
   If mProp_AlwaysHighlighted Then
     Call ApplyProperties(apyDrawBorder)
     tmrHighlight = True
   End If
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
  With PropBag
   .WriteProperty "AlwaysHighlighted", mProp_AlwaysHighlighted, mDef_AlwaysHighlighted
   .WriteProperty "BackColor", mProp_BackColor, mDef_BackColor
   .WriteProperty "Caption", mProp_Caption, mDef_Caption
   .WriteProperty "Enabled", mProp_Enabled, mDef_Enabled
   .WriteProperty "FocusRect", mProp_FocusRect, mDef_FocusRect
   .WriteProperty "Font", mProp_Font, Ambient.Font
   .WriteProperty "HoverColor", mProp_HoverColor, mDef_HoverColor
  End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
  If KeyCode = vbKeySpace Or KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
   UserControl_MouseDown -2, -2, -2, -2
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
  If KeyAscii = vbKeySpace Or KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
   RaiseEvent Click(b2kReasonKeyboard)
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
  If KeyCode = vbKeySpace Or KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
   UserControl_MouseUp -2, -2, -2, -2
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  Dim rctBtn As RECT
  Dim dwRetVal As Long
  tmrHighlight.Enabled = False
  lblCaption.Left = mpntLabelPos.X + 1
  lblCaption.Top = mpntLabelPos.Y + 1
  Line (0, 0)-(Width, Height), mProp_BackColor, B
  rctBtn.Left = 0
  rctBtn.Top = 0
  rctBtn.Right = ScaleWidth
  rctBtn.Bottom = ScaleHeight
  dwRetVal = apiDrawEdge(hdc, rctBtn, BDR_MOUSEDOWN, BF_RECT)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  Dim pntCursor As POINTAPI
  lblCaption.Left = mpntLabelPos.X
  lblCaption.Top = mpntLabelPos.Y
  apiGetCursorPos pntCursor
  If apiWindowFromPoint(pntCursor.X, pntCursor.Y) = hWnd Or mProp_AlwaysHighlighted Then
   Call ApplyProperties(apyDrawBorder)
   mbHasCapture = True
   Line (0, 0)-(ScaleWidth - 1, ScaleHeight - 1), mProp_BackColor, B
   mbHasCapture = False
  End If
  If Not mProp_AlwaysHighlighted Then tmrHighlight.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblCaption_Click()
  RaiseEvent Click(b2kReasonMouse)
End Sub
Private Sub lblCaption_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  UserControl_MouseDown Button, Shift, -1, -1
End Sub
Private Sub lblCaption_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  UserControl_MouseUp Button, Shift, -1, -1
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
  Dim rctBtn As RECT
  Dim dwRetVal As Long
  Static sbFirstTime As Boolean
  If Not sbFirstTime Then
   sbFirstTime = True
  End If
  lblCaption.AutoSize = False
  lblCaption.Top = (ScaleHeight / 2) - (lblCaption.Height / 2)
  lblCaption.Left = 1
  lblCaption.Width = ScaleWidth - 2
  If Not Ambient.UserMode Or mProp_AlwaysHighlighted Then
   Call ApplyProperties(apyDrawBorder)
  End If
  mpntLabelPos.X = lblCaption.Left
  mpntLabelPos.Y = lblCaption.Top
  mpntOldSize.X = ScaleWidth
  mpntOldSize.Y = ScaleHeight
End Sub
' Private Procedures
' ******************
Private Sub ApplyProperties(ByVal apyWhatToApply As htWhatToApply)
  Dim rctBtn As RECT
  Dim dwRetVal As Long
  Dim n As Long
  If (apyWhatToApply And apyBackColor) Then UserControl.BackColor = mProp_BackColor
  If (apyWhatToApply And apyCaption) Then
   lblCaption.Caption = mProp_Caption
   AccessKeys = ""
   For n = Len(mProp_Caption) To 1 Step -1
     If Mid$(mProp_Caption, n, 1) = "&" Then
      If n = 1 Then
        AccessKeys = Mid$(mProp_Caption, n + 1, 1)
      ElseIf Not Mid$(mProp_Caption, n - 1, 1) = "&" Then
        AccessKeys = Mid$(mProp_Caption, n + 1, 1)
        Exit For
        n = n - 1
      End If
     End If
   Next n
  End If
  If (apyWhatToApply And apyFont) Then
   Set UserControl.Font = mProp_Font
   lblCaption.AutoSize = True
   Set lblCaption.Font = mProp_Font
   lblCaption.AutoSize = False
   lblCaption.Top = (ScaleHeight / 2) - (lblCaption.Height / 2)
   lblCaption.Left = 1
   lblCaption.Width = ScaleWidth - 2
  End If
  If (apyWhatToApply And apyEnabled) Then
   If Ambient.UserMode Then
     lblCaption.Enabled = mProp_Enabled
     UserControl.Enabled = mProp_Enabled
   End If
  End If
  If (apyWhatToApply And apyDrawBorder) Then
   Line (0, 0)-(Width, Height), mProp_BackColor, B
   rctBtn.Left = 0
   rctBtn.Top = 0
   rctBtn.Right = ScaleWidth
   rctBtn.Bottom = ScaleHeight
   dwRetVal = apiDrawEdge(hdc, rctBtn, BDR_MOUSEOVER, BF_RECT)
  End If
End Sub
' Properies
' *********
Public Property Get AlwaysHighlighted() As Boolean
  AlwaysHighlighted = mProp_AlwaysHighlighted
End Property
Public Property Let AlwaysHighlighted(ByVal bNewValue As Boolean)
  If Ambient.UserMode Then
   Err.Raise 383
   mProp_AlwaysHighlighted = bNewValue
   PropertyChanged "AlwaysHighlighted"
  End If
End Property
Public Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR
  BackColor = mProp_BackColor
End Property
Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal oleNewValue As OLE_COLOR)
  mProp_BackColor = oleNewValue
  Call ApplyProperties(apyBackColor Or apyDrawBorder)
  PropertyChanged "BackColor"
End Property
Public Property Get Caption() As String
  Caption = mProp_Caption
End Property
Public Property Let Caption(ByVal sNewValue As String)
  mProp_Caption = sNewValue
  Call ApplyProperties(apyCaption)
  PropertyChanged "Caption"
End Property
Public Property Get FocusRect() As Boolean
  FocusRect = mProp_FocusRect
End Property
Public Property Let FocusRect(ByVal bNewValue As Boolean)
  If Ambient.UserMode Then
   Err.Raise 383
   mProp_FocusRect = bNewValue
   PropertyChanged "FocusRect"
  End If
End Property
Public Property Get Font() As StdFont
  Set Font = mProp_Font
End Property
Public Property Set Font(ByVal fntNewValue As StdFont)
  Set mProp_Font = fntNewValue
  Call ApplyProperties(apyFont)
  PropertyChanged "Font"
End Property
Public Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
  Enabled = mProp_Enabled
End Property
Public Property Let Enabled(ByVal bNewValue As Boolean)
  mProp_Enabled = bNewValue
  Call ApplyProperties(apyEnabled)
  PropertyChanged "Enabled"
End Property
Public Property Get HoverColor() As OLE_COLOR
  HoverColor = mProp_HoverColor
End Property
Public Property Let HoverColor(ByVal oleNewValue As OLE_COLOR)
  mProp_HoverColor = oleNewValue
  PropertyChanged "HoverColor"
End Property

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 107 times


Visual Basic 6


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