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Bubble Sort

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This code should explain the bubble sort !
Bubble sort is a sort algorithm that sortes string in very fast way. There are many sort algorithms but this is the best !

Original Author: Roman Blachman


This code needs only one parameter:
The input array (will be used for output also)


If you have problems running it try this code.
(I assume that you created a list box that his name is: lstItems)
Place this code where you want (for example: command button)
Dim inArray() As String ' Input array
ReDim inArray(lstItems.ListCount - 1) ' Redim the array to the size of the list count items
For ic = 0 To lstItems.ListCount - 1
inArray(ic) = lstItems.List(ic) ' Put all the values from the list box to the array
cBubbleSort inArray ' Sort the array
lstItems.Clear ' Clear the list
For ic = 0 To UBound(inArray)
lstItems.AddItem inArray(ic) ' Put the sorted items from the array


This sub won't return anything. It will change the input array

API Declarations

no apis.


Public Sub cBubbleSort(inputArray As Variant)
Dim lDown As Long, lUp As Long
For lDown = UBound(inputArray) To LBound(inputArray) Step -1
For lUp = LBound(inputArray) + 1 To lDown
If inputArray(lUp - 1) > inputArray(lDown) Then SwapValues inputArray(lUp - 1), inputArray(lDown)
Next lUp
Next lDown
End Sub
Public Sub SwapValues(firstValue As Variant, secondValue As Variant)
Dim tmpValue As Variant
tmpValue = firstValue
firstValue = secondValue
secondValue = tmpValue
End Sub
This is the same code but with explainations:
Public Sub cBubbleSort(inputArray As Variant)
Dim lDown As Long, lUp As Long ' Two variables that will be used in the fors
For lDown = UBound(inputArray) To LBound(inputArray) Step -1 ' One variable will go from the upper bound of the array
For lUp = LBound(inputArray) + 1 To lDown ' and the second one will go from the lowest bound to the top
If inputArray(lUp - 1) > inputArray(lDown) Then SwapValues inputArray(lUp - 1), inputArray(lDown) ' This line check if the value from the up-to-down for is higher than the value from the down-to-up for, if so the sub call a swap sub that switches the values places
Next lUp ' Continue to the next value from down-to-up
Next lDown ' Continue to the next value from up-to-down
End Sub
Public Sub SwapValues(firstValue As Variant, secondValue As Variant) ' This sub switches the values
Dim tmpValue As Variant ' Temp variable to store the first value
tmpValue = firstValue ' put the first value into a temp variable
firstValue = secondValue ' put the second value into the first
secondValue = tmpValue ' and then put the first value, that stored in a temp variable, into the second
End Sub
If this code wasn't helpful and you still want to know how the bubble sort algorithm works so go to this links:
I hope this code was helpful if so please vote for me.

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 94 times


Visual Basic 6


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