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Format and Print a MSFlexGrid

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Format and Print a MSFlexGrid in a letter sheet, vertical or landscape, adding a Title, a logo, date and time of printing.

Original Author: unknown


MSFlexGrid to be printed
Landscape (true/false)


Works for letter size, suggestions welcome.



Side Effects

Grids with many columns (35 or more) could fullfill printers memory (low memory printers) causing the application to stop.


Sub PrintGrid(pGrid As MSFlexGrid, sTitulo As String, pHorizontal As Boolean)
' pGrid = The grid to print
' sTitulo = Page Title
' pHorizontal = True for Landscape
  On Error GoTo ErrorImpresion
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim iMaxRow As Integer
  Dim j As Integer
  Dim msfGrid As MSFlexGrid
  Dim iPaginas As Integer
  Printer.ColorMode = vbPRCMMonochrome
  Printer.PrintQuality = 160
  ' fMainForm.MSFlexGrid1 is an invisible msflexgrid
  ' used only for this routine
  ' put it where your want and reference it apropiately
  Set msfGrid = fMainForm.MSFlexGrid1
  msfGrid.FixedCols = 0
  If pHorizontal = True Then
    Printer.Orientation = vbPRORLandscape
    iMaxRow = 44
    Printer.Orientation = vbPRORPortrait
    iMaxRow = 57
  End If
  ' calcula el n??mero de p?íginas
  If pGrid.Rows Mod iMaxRow = 0 Then
    iPaginas = pGrid.Rows iMaxRow
    iPaginas = pGrid.Rows iMaxRow + 1
  End If
  msfGrid.Rows = iMaxRow
  msfGrid.Cols = pGrid.Cols
  For i = 0 To pGrid.Cols - 1
    msfGrid.ColWidth(i) = pGrid.ColWidth(i)
  screen.mousepointer = 11 ' hourglass
  ' print some logo -> comment or change as desired
  Printer.PaintPicture fMainForm.ImageList1.ListImages(1).Picture, 0, 0, 4300, 600
  ' imprime t?ˇtulo
  Printer.CurrentY = 650
  Printer.FontName = "Courier New"
  Printer.FontBold = True
  Printer.FontSize = 12
  Printer.Print sTitulo
  ' justifica a la derecha fecha de impresi??n
  If pHorizontal = True Then
    Printer.CurrentX = 10000
    Printer.CurrentX = 7000
  End If
  Printer.CurrentY = 0
  Printer.FontSize = 10
  Printer.Print Now & " - P?íg 1 de " & iPaginas
  For i = 0 To pGrid.Rows - 2 + iPaginas
    If i Mod iMaxRow = 0 And i > 0 Then
      With msfGrid
        .Row = 0
        .Col = 0
        .ColSel = 0
        .RowSel = 0
        If pHorizontal Then
          Printer.PaintPicture .Picture, 20, 1250, 15000, 10350
          Printer.PaintPicture .Picture, 20, 1250, 11400, 13950
        End If
      End With
      For j = 0 To msfGrid.Cols - 1
         ' restablece t?ˇtulos
        msfGrid.TextMatrix(0, j) = pGrid.TextMatrix(0, j)
      ' print logo
      Printer.PaintPicture fMainForm.ImageList1.ListImages(23).Picture, 0, 0, 4300, 600
      Printer.CurrentY = 650
      Printer.FontSize = 12
      Printer.Print sTitulo
      ' justifica a la derecha fecha de impresi??n
      If pHorizontal = True Then
        Printer.CurrentX = 10000
        Printer.CurrentX = 7000
      End If
      Printer.CurrentY = 0
      Printer.FontSize = 10
      Printer.Print Now & " - P?íg " & i iMaxRow + 1 & " de " & iPaginas
      i = i + 1 ' deja t?ˇtulos
    End If
    For j = 0 To msfGrid.Cols - 1
      msfGrid.TextMatrix(i Mod iMaxRow, j) = pGrid.TextMatrix(i - i iMaxRow, j)
  With msfGrid
    .Row = 0
    .Col = 0
    .ColSel = 0
    .RowSel = 0
    If pHorizontal Then
      Printer.PaintPicture .Picture, 20, 1250, 15000, 10350
      Printer.PaintPicture .Picture, 20, 1250, 11400, 13950
    End If
  End With
  MsgBox sTitulo & vbCrLf & "Se ha(n) enviado " & iPaginas & " p?ígina(s) a la impresora " & Printer.DeviceName, vbInformation, Printer.Port
  Set msfGrid = Nothing
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox "Verify printer", vbCritical, "Printer Error"
  Resume salir
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 175 times


Visual Basic 6


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