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Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Want to know how long it takes to execute some piece of logic in your code? Use this StopWatch class to find out. It does everything you'd expect a stopwatch to do: - Start - Stop - Reset - Get elapsed time - Get lap time. This class is so simple to use because you already know how a stopwatch works.

Original Author: Matthew Janofsky


Create a new class module and paste the text into it. Name the class CStopWatch.


Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
'-- Copyright Matthew Janofsky 2000
'-- Use the class to implement a stopwatch whenever
' you want to time how many milliseconds it takes
' to perform some action.
' Example usage:
' Public Sub MySub()
' Dim SW As CStopWatch
' Dim X As Long
' Set SW = New CStopWatch
' '-- Start the timer.
' SW.StartTimer
' For X = 1 To 100000
'  '-- Do something.
'  If X Mod 10000 = 0 Then
'  '-- Show the lap time.
'  Debug.Print " Laptime: " & SW.LapTime _
'    & " Elapsed: " & SW.ElapsedMilliseconds
'  End If
' Next X
' SW.StopTimer
' Debug.Print "Loop Time: " & SW.ElapsedMilliseconds
' Set SW = Nothing
' End Sub
' Debug output:
' Laptime: 0 Elapsed: 0
' Laptime: 6 Elapsed: 6
' Laptime: 5 Elapsed: 11
' Laptime: 4 Elapsed: 15
' Laptime: 5 Elapsed: 20
' Laptime: 5 Elapsed: 25
' Laptime: 5 Elapsed: 30
' Laptime: 0 Elapsed: 30
' Laptime: 5 Elapsed: 35
' Laptime: 5 Elapsed: 40
' Loop Time: 40
'-- Local Declares
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
'-- Local private variables
Private m_lStartTime As Long
Private m_lEndTime As Long
Private m_lLastLapTime As Long
Public Sub StopTimer()
On Error GoTo StopTimer_Error
m_lEndTime = GetTickCount()
'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo StopTimer_Exit
Err.Raise Err.Number, "CStopWatch::StopTimer()", _
Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
Resume StopTimer_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Sub
Public Sub ResetTimer()
On Error GoTo ResetTimer_Error
m_lStartTime = 0
m_lEndTime = 0
m_lLastLapTime = 0

'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo ResetTimer_Exit
Err.Raise Err.Number, "CStopWatch::ResetTimer()", _
Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
Resume ResetTimer_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Sub
Public Sub StartTimer()
On Error GoTo StartTimer_Error

Dim lStoppedTime As Long

'-- If there is an endtime, we need to calculate how much time
' has elapsed since it was stopped and adjust the start time
' and last lap time accordingly. We don't want to
' include time that passed while the watch was stopped.

If m_lEndTime > 0 Then

'-- How long were we stopped?
lStoppedTime = GetTickCount() - m_lEndTime

'-- Adjust the start time.
m_lStartTime = m_lStartTime + lStoppedTime

'-- Adjust the LapTime.
m_lLastLapTime = m_lLastLapTime + lStoppedTime


'-- First time we've started. Just capture the start time.
m_lStartTime = GetTickCount()

End If

'-- Clear the endtime.
m_lEndTime = 0

'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo StartTimer_Exit
Err.Raise Err.Number, "CStopWatch::StartTimer()", _
Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
Resume StartTimer_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Sub
Public Property Get ElapsedMilliseconds() As Long
On Error GoTo ElapsedMilliseconds_Error
If m_lStartTime = 0 Then
'-- The timer hasn't started yet. Return 0.
ElapsedMilliseconds = 0
GoTo ElapsedMilliseconds_Exit
End If

If m_lEndTime = 0 Then
'-- The user has not clicked stop yet. Give an elapsed time.
ElapsedMilliseconds = GetTickCount() - m_lStartTime
'-- There is a stop time. Just calculate the difference.
ElapsedMilliseconds = m_lEndTime - m_lStartTime
End If
'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo ElapsedMilliseconds_Exit
Err.Raise Err.Number, "CStopWatch::ElapsedMilliseconds()", _
Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
Resume ElapsedMilliseconds_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Property
Public Property Get Laptime() As Long
'-- Return the number of seconds since the last LapTime.
On Error GoTo Laptime_Error

Dim lCurrentLapTime As Long
Dim lRetVal As Long

lCurrentLapTime = Me.ElapsedMilliseconds

If m_lLastLapTime = 0 Then
'-- First Lap. Just return the Elapsed Milliseconds.
lRetVal = lCurrentLapTime
lRetVal = lCurrentLapTime - m_lLastLapTime
End If

'-- Save the last lap time.
m_lLastLapTime = lCurrentLapTime

'-- Return the lap time.
Laptime = lRetVal

'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo Laptime_Exit
Err.Raise Err.Number, "CStopWatch::Laptime()", _
Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
Resume Laptime_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Property

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 119 times


Visual Basic 6


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