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Analogic Clock

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

An example for beginners, showing how to use the MoveToEx and LineTo API calls. Gets the current time, converts it into (x,y) coordinates and draw the "clock"...DON'T FORGET: DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT VOTING FOR ME!!!

Original Author: unknown

API Declarations

Public Declare Function MoveToEx Lib "gdi32" Alias "MoveToEx" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Public Declare Function LineTo Lib "gdi32" Alias "LineTo" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Public Type POINTAPI
x As Long
y As Long
End Type

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 110 times


Visual Basic 6

Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 4,588 bytes

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