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ADO Header-Detail Relational Tables (without using datacontrols)

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This is a demonstration to show you how Header Tables relate with Detail Tables. Don't forget to vote for it.

Original Author: Walter Narvasa


Save this text to "ADOHeaderDetail.FRM" and use the NWIND.MDB from Northwind.


Object = "{CDE57A40-8B86-11D0-B3C6-00A0C90AEA82}#1.0#0"; "MSDATGRD.OCX"
Begin VB.Form ADOHeaderDetail
  BorderStyle   =  1 'Fixed Single
  Caption     =  "Order Entry - ADO Header-Detail Sample by Walter A. Narvasa"
  ClientHeight  =  6495
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   Width      =  9735
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     Caption     =  "&Undo"
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     TabIndex    =  41
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     Visible     =  0  'False
     Width      =  1095
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     Caption     =  "E&xit"
     Height     =  300
     Left      =  4800
     TabIndex    =  39
     Top       =  0
     Width      =  1095
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     Caption     =  "&Refresh"
     Height     =  300
     Left      =  3600
     TabIndex    =  38
     Top       =  0
     Width      =  1095
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     Caption     =  "&New"
     Height     =  300
     Left      =  0
     TabIndex    =  35
     Top       =  0
     Width      =  1095
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     Caption     =  "&Edit"
     Height     =  300
     Left      =  1200
     TabIndex    =  36
     Top       =  0
     Width      =  1095
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUpdate
     Caption     =  "&Save"
     Height     =  300
     Left      =  2400
     TabIndex    =  40
     Top       =  0
     Visible     =  0  'False
     Width      =  1095
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     Caption     =  "&Delete"
     Height     =  300
     Left      =  2400
     TabIndex    =  37
     Top       =  0
     Width      =  1095
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     Height     =  300
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     Height     =  300
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     Picture     =  "ADOHeaderDetail.frx":0342
     Style      =  1 'Graphical
     TabIndex    =  31
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     Width      =  345
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     Height     =  300
     Left      =  345
     Picture     =  "ADOHeaderDetail.frx":0684
     Style      =  1 'Graphical
     TabIndex    =  30
     Top       =  0
     UseMaskColor  =  -1 'True
     Width      =  345
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdFirst
     Height     =  300
     Left      =  0
     Picture     =  "ADOHeaderDetail.frx":09C6
     Style      =  1 'Graphical
     TabIndex    =  29
     Top       =  0
     UseMaskColor  =  -1 'True
     Width      =  345
   Begin VB.Label lblStatus
     BackColor    =  &H00FFFFFF&
     BorderStyle   =  1 'Fixed Single
     Height     =  285
     Left      =  690
     TabIndex    =  33
     Top       =  0
     Width      =  3360
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "ShipVia"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  13
   Left      =  5640
   TabIndex    =  27
   Top       =  2415
   Width      =  3375
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "ShipRegion"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  12
   Left      =  5640
   TabIndex    =  25
   Top       =  2100
   Width      =  3375
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "ShipPostalCode"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  11
   Left      =  5640
   TabIndex    =  23
   Top       =  1785
   Width      =  1455
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "ShippedDate"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  10
   Left      =  5640
   TabIndex    =  21
   Top       =  1455
   Width      =  1455
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "ShipName"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  9
   Left      =  5640
   TabIndex    =  19
   Top       =  1140
   Width      =  3855
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "ShipCountry"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  8
   Left      =  5640
   TabIndex    =  17
   Top       =  825
   Width      =  3855
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "ShipCity"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  7
   Left      =  5640
   TabIndex    =  15
   Top       =  495
   Width      =  3855
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "ShipAddress"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  6
   Left      =  5640
   TabIndex    =  13
   Top       =  180
   Width      =  3855
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "RequiredDate"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  5
   Left      =  2040
   TabIndex    =  11
   Top       =  1785
   Width      =  1455
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "Freight"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  4
   Left      =  2040
   TabIndex    =  9
   Top       =  1455
   Width      =  1455
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "CustomerID"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  3
   Left      =  2040
   TabIndex    =  7
   Top       =  1140
   Width      =  1455
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "EmployeeID"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  2
   Left      =  2040
   TabIndex    =  5
   Top       =  825
   Width      =  1455
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "OrderDate"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  1
   Left      =  2040
   TabIndex    =  3
   Top       =  495
   Width      =  1455
  Begin VB.TextBox txtFields
   DataField    =  "OrderID"
   Height     =  285
   Index      =  0
   Left      =  2040
   TabIndex    =  1
   Top       =  180
   Width      =  1455
  Begin MSDataGridLib.DataGrid grdDataGrid
   Height     =  2745
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  42
   Top       =  3000
   Width      =  9360
   _ExtentX    =  16510
   _ExtentY    =  4842
   _Version    =  393216
   AllowUpdate   =  0  'False
   HeadLines    =  1
   RowHeight    =  15
   BeginProperty HeadFont {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  400
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  400
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   ColumnCount   =  2
   BeginProperty Column00
     DataField    =  ""
     Caption     =  ""
     BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
      Type      =  0
      Format     =  ""
      HaveTrueFalseNull=  0
      FirstDayOfWeek =  0
      FirstWeekOfYear =  0
      LCID      =  1033
      SubFormatType  =  0
   BeginProperty Column01
     DataField    =  ""
     Caption     =  ""
     BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
      Type      =  0
      Format     =  ""
      HaveTrueFalseNull=  0
      FirstDayOfWeek =  0
      FirstWeekOfYear =  0
      LCID      =  1033
      SubFormatType  =  0
   SplitCount   =  1
   BeginProperty Split0
     BeginProperty Column00
     BeginProperty Column01
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Caption     =  "Detail Information:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
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   Height     =  255
   Index      =  14
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   TabIndex    =  43
   Top       =  2760
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "ShipVia:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  13
   Left      =  3720
   TabIndex    =  26
   Top       =  2415
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "ShipRegion:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  12
   Left      =  3720
   TabIndex    =  24
   Top       =  2100
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "ShipPostalCode:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  11
   Left      =  3720
   TabIndex    =  22
   Top       =  1785
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "ShippedDate:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  10
   Left      =  3720
   TabIndex    =  20
   Top       =  1455
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "ShipName:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  9
   Left      =  3720
   TabIndex    =  18
   Top       =  1140
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "ShipCountry:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  8
   Left      =  3720
   TabIndex    =  16
   Top       =  825
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "ShipCity:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  7
   Left      =  3720
   TabIndex    =  14
   Top       =  495
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "ShipAddress:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  6
   Left      =  3720
   TabIndex    =  12
   Top       =  180
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "RequiredDate:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  5
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  10
   Top       =  1785
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "Freight:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  4
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  8
   Top       =  1455
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "CustomerID:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  3
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  6
   Top       =  1140
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "EmployeeID:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  2
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  4
   Top       =  825
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "OrderDate:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  1
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  2
   Top       =  495
   Width      =  1815
  Begin VB.Label lblLabels
   Alignment    =  1 'Right Justify
   Caption     =  "OrderID:"
   BeginProperty Font
     Name      =  "MS Sans Serif"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   Height     =  255
   Index      =  0
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  0
   Top       =  180
   Width      =  1815
Attribute VB_Name = "ADOHeaderDetail"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'Program Sample by: Walter A. Narvasa
'Country: Philippines
'Experience: 6 years in Database Programming
Dim WithEvents adoPrimaryRS As Recordset
Attribute adoPrimaryRS.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Dim mbChangedByCode As Boolean
Dim mvBookMark As Variant
Dim mbEditFlag As Boolean
Dim mbAddNewFlag As Boolean
Dim mbDataChanged As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim db As Connection
Set db = New Connection
db.CursorLocation = adUseClient
db.Open "PROVIDER=MSDataShape;Data PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Data Source=D:Program LanguageMicrosoft Visual StudioVB98NWIND.MDB;"
Set adoPrimaryRS = New Recordset
adoPrimaryRS.Open "SHAPE {select OrderID,OrderDate,EmployeeID,CustomerID,Freight,RequiredDate,ShipAddress,ShipCity,ShipCountry,ShipName,ShippedDate,ShipPostalCode,ShipRegion,ShipVia from Orders Order by OrderID} AS ParentCMD APPEND ({select OrderID,ProductID,Quantity,UnitPrice,Discount from [Order Details] Order by ProductID } AS ChildCMD RELATE OrderID TO OrderID) AS ChildCMD", db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
Dim oText As TextBox
'Bind the text boxes to the data provider
For Each oText In Me.txtFields
  Set oText.DataSource = adoPrimaryRS
Set grdDataGrid.DataSource = adoPrimaryRS("ChildCMD").UnderlyingValue
mbDataChanged = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
On Error Resume Next
'This will resize the grid when the form is resized
grdDataGrid.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
grdDataGrid.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - grdDataGrid.Top - 30 - picButtons.Height - picStatBox.Height
lblStatus.Width = Me.Width - 1500
cmdNext.Left = lblStatus.Width + 700
cmdLast.Left = cmdNext.Left + 340
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If mbEditFlag Or mbAddNewFlag Then Exit Sub
Select Case KeyCode
  Case vbKeyEscape
  Case vbKeyEnd
  Case vbKeyHome
  Case vbKeyUp, vbKeyPageUp
   If Shift = vbCtrlMask Then
   End If
  Case vbKeyDown, vbKeyPageDown
   If Shift = vbCtrlMask Then
   End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
Private Sub adoPrimaryRS_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
'This will display the current record position for this recordset
lblStatus.Caption = "Record: " & CStr(adoPrimaryRS.AbsolutePosition)
End Sub
Private Sub adoPrimaryRS_WillChangeRecord(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal cRecords As Long, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
'This is where you put validation code
'This event gets called when the following actions occur
Dim bCancel As Boolean
Select Case adReason
Case adRsnAddNew
Case adRsnClose
Case adRsnDelete
Case adRsnFirstChange
Case adRsnMove
Case adRsnRequery
Case adRsnResynch
Case adRsnUndoAddNew
Case adRsnUndoDelete
Case adRsnUndoUpdate
Case adRsnUpdate
End Select
If bCancel Then adStatus = adStatusCancel
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
On Error GoTo AddErr
With adoPrimaryRS
  If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
   mvBookMark = .Bookmark
  End If
  lblStatus.Caption = "Add record"
  mbAddNewFlag = True
  SetButtons False
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
On Error GoTo DeleteErr
With adoPrimaryRS
  If .EOF Then .MoveLast
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()
'This is only needed for multi user apps
On Error GoTo RefreshErr
Set grdDataGrid.DataSource = Nothing
Set grdDataGrid.DataSource = adoPrimaryRS("ChildCMD").UnderlyingValue
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
On Error GoTo EditErr
lblStatus.Caption = "Edit record"
mbEditFlag = True
SetButtons False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
On Error Resume Next
SetButtons True
mbEditFlag = False
mbAddNewFlag = False
If mvBookMark > 0 Then
  adoPrimaryRS.Bookmark = mvBookMark
End If
mbDataChanged = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo UpdateErr
adoPrimaryRS.UpdateBatch adAffectAll
If mbAddNewFlag Then
  adoPrimaryRS.MoveLast       'move to the new record
End If
mbEditFlag = False
mbAddNewFlag = False
SetButtons True
mbDataChanged = False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
On Error GoTo GoFirstError
mbDataChanged = False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
On Error GoTo GoLastError
mbDataChanged = False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
On Error GoTo GoNextError
If Not adoPrimaryRS.EOF Then adoPrimaryRS.MoveNext
If adoPrimaryRS.EOF And adoPrimaryRS.RecordCount > 0 Then
   'moved off the end so go back
End If
'show the current record
mbDataChanged = False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPrevious_Click()
On Error GoTo GoPrevError
If Not adoPrimaryRS.BOF Then adoPrimaryRS.MovePrevious
If adoPrimaryRS.BOF And adoPrimaryRS.RecordCount > 0 Then
  'moved off the end so go back
End If
'show the current record
mbDataChanged = False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub SetButtons(bVal As Boolean)
cmdAdd.Visible = bVal
cmdEdit.Visible = bVal
cmdUpdate.Visible = Not bVal
cmdCancel.Visible = Not bVal
cmdDelete.Visible = bVal
cmdClose.Visible = bVal
cmdRefresh.Visible = bVal
cmdNext.Enabled = bVal
cmdFirst.Enabled = bVal
cmdLast.Enabled = bVal
cmdPrevious.Enabled = bVal
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 169 times


Visual Basic 6


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