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Auto Save/Load/Add/Remove - Lists

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Auto Save/Load/Add/Remove from/to a List

Original Author: Matthew Gates


Public Sub List_Add(List As ListBox, txt As String)
List.AddItem txt
End Sub
Public Sub List_Load(TheList As ListBox, FileName As String)
'Loads a file to a list box
On Error Resume Next
Dim TheContents As String
Dim fFile As Integer
fFile = FreeFile
Open FileName For Input As fFile
   Line Input #fFile, TheContents$
    Call List_Add(TheList, TheContents$)
  Loop Until EOF(fFile)
Close fFile
End Sub
Public Sub List_Save(TheList As ListBox, FileName As String)
'Save a listbox as FileName
On Error Resume Next
Dim Save As Long
Dim fFile As Integer
fFile = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As fFile
  For Save = 0 To TheList.ListCount - 1
   Print #fFile, TheList.List(Save)
  Next Save
Close fFile
End Sub
Public Sub List_Remove(List As ListBox)
On Error Resume Next
If List.ListCount < 0 Then Exit Sub
List.RemoveItem List.ListIndex
End Sub

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 97 times


Visual Basic 6


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