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A Cool Directory Map

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This simple sub routine is used to map out a directory tree starting with any given path. Can be easily modified to perform any task that requires scanning folders.

Original Author: Coolwick


Full starting path
ex: C:windows
ex: \computernameshare


This routine is generic. As it stands it will just show the directory structure in the immediate window. However, it can be modified easily for file search.


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call DirMap("C:Windows")
'Must have "" at the end of the path
End Sub
Sub DirMap(ByVal Path As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim i, j, x As Integer 'All used as counters
Dim Fname(), CurrentFolder, Temp As String
Temp = Path
If Dir(Temp, vbDirectory) = "" Then Exit Sub 'if there arent any sub directories the exit
CurrentFolder = Dir(Temp, vbDirectory)
'First get number of folders (Stored in i)
Do While CurrentFolder <> ""
If GetAttr(Temp & CurrentFolder) = vbDirectory Then
  If CurrentFolder <> "." And CurrentFolder <> ".." Then
  i = i + 1
  End If
End If
CurrentFolder = Dir
ReDim Fname(i) 'Redim the array with number of folders
'now store the folder names
CurrentFolder = Dir(Temp, vbDirectory)
Do While CurrentFolder <> ""
If GetAttr(Temp & CurrentFolder) = vbDirectory Then
  If CurrentFolder <> "." And CurrentFolder <> ".." Then
  j = j + 1
  Fname(j) = CurrentFolder
  Debug.Print Temp & Fname(j)
  End If
End If
CurrentFolder = Dir
' For each folder check to see there are sub folders
For x = 1 To i
Call DirMap(Temp & Fname(x) & "")
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 120 times


Visual Basic 6


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