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Internet Downloader (Like Gozilla) Resume, Pause, Etc. (UPDATED - August 16) Uses Winsock.ocx Only!!

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Resume's Files, Pause Files, Or anything from anywhere on the net just like GoZilla but this is open source for your hacking pleasure! =]
Enjoy it!!
Ok I did a complete code revamp of the code and im not finished yet. I cant seem to get the ftp stuff to work right if someone could help me out with that. It conencts to server and the server trys to send me the file but it wont come through and I cant figure out why. Help me on this one please!!! Thanks for all your wonderful support and votes by the way I really appreciate them. Well I got the reward thanks again for all the votes...By the way I have updated this again to fix a bug it has with unix servers. Pointed out to me by Michael Pauletta along with a way to fix it. Much appreciated micheal. Im glad people are still loving this code as yesterday auguest 15 it hit code of the day yet again.############################## GET THE LATEST VERSION HERE -----> <------------ GET THE LATEST VERSION THERE ##############################

Original Author: Eric Malamisura

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 89 times


Visual Basic 6

Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 60,547 bytes

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