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Forget Controls MultiMedia. Now By API Support DVD Video Version 6.1

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

(New version, now version 6.1 with control volume channels audio)
You can here make Controls for audio,video and midi files just by pure Windows API.
you can open,play,pause,resume,stop,close,make control for audio channels,Get Progress,Get Total Time,Get Total frames,Get Number frames per second,SetAutoRepeat,GetCurrent frame (Get current position),Get cuurent time,Get Actual size,Get Current Size,resize the movie,SetDefaultDevice,let you at the end of file..for all types Multimedia qt,mov, dat,snd, mpg, mpa, mpv, enc, m1v, mp2,mp3, mpe, mpeg, mpm
au,snd, aif, aiff, aifc,wav,avi,mid,rmi,(and *.vob this format for dvd video)...etc.

Original Author: Abdullah Al-Ahdal


content="text/html; charset=windows-1256">

Are you Sure wanna using API to Playing video or audio files and forget ocx?

face="Comic Sans MS">Wow

face="Comic Sans MS">Version 6.1

you Sure wanna using Windows API to Playing video *.dat) or audio
(including (including *.mpg and *.mp3) or Midi files and forget

Then Download this source.

know the Controls like MCI32.ocx, ActiveMovie and Media player
can do this but the control have disadvantages like it size about
more than 90 kb,but now your program just will increased 6 kilo
bytes(this size of the Module) and not take system resources.

Note : This
source code Support DVD's Video if you had VGA Card Support DVD
like ATI RAGE II Or All in Wonder 128.

Please reRead
the description for Function OpenMultimedia in the Module or in
the form(This simple update for version 5.0)


  for this Source Code


1-This code
  Just use
  face="Comic Sans MS">Windows  size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">   color="#FF0000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">API
  calls (no ocx) ,no install new dll
  size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">.


2-This code
  face="Comic Sans MS">useful for Windows98,  color="#800000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">Windows
  2000 and Windows NT
  size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">without installing any
  other programs
  face="Comic Sans MS">.


3-It has   color="#FF0000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">ready
  functions in the Module or Dll for Standerd use just for
  copy and paste in your own projects
  size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">.


4-More   color="#FF0000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">faster  size="3" face="Comic Sans MS"> than WinAmp and Xing
  Mpeg in playing and viewing Movie.


5-It can
  playing all Multimedia files by
  color="#FF0000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">less
  lines included
  face="Comic Sans MS"> mp3,mpg,avi,wav..etc.


6-It has   color="#FF0000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">the
  most controls
  face="Comic Sans MS"> for multimedia files(keep on
  reading the page and you will know the controls).


7-It can open
  face="Comic Sans MS">all movie files  size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">.


8-It have   color="#FF0000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">descriptions.


9-It Include
  four Sources in the zip (three for vb and dll in C++).


10-It for all
  Levels (advanced - intermediate - beginner).


11-very easy
  (read the code carefully).


12-Others (keep
  on reading this page).


face="Comic Sans MS">This code Updated to be more well Download
it again

reRead the
face="Comic Sans MS">descriptions for function OpenMultimedia in
the form or in the Module.


  face="Comic Sans MS">Version 6.1


  face="Comic Sans MS">Special thanks to   color="#FF0000" face="Comic Sans MS">"Hans de Vries"
  For Notice me about bug when playing rmi files in some
  computers (it was repaired).


  face="Comic Sans MS">Version 6.0


  face="Comic Sans MS">For request Members planet-source-code
  I add four Functions:


  face="Comic Sans MS">1-  size="5" face="Comic Sans MS">Two Functions to deal with
  volume audio for every channel(left or right) or the the


  face="Comic Sans MS">one to get volume for every channel
  audio and the another to set volume for every channel or
  the both.


  face="Comic Sans MS">NOTE: Contolling with volume for
  every Multimedia file not for all Multimedia files(not
  like Mixer windows).


  face="Comic Sans MS">2-  size="5" face="Comic Sans MS">Two Functions to deal with
  Rate playing Multimedia file (one to increase speed
  playing or decrease speed playing and the another to get
  current Rate).


  face="Comic Sans MS">NOTE: Contolling with Rate for every
  Multimedia file not for all Multimedia files.


  face="Comic Sans MS">Via this version you can watch a
  movie file and also playing mp3 file at the same time and
  decrease the volume for mp3 in one channel or the both.


  face="Comic Sans MS">See the screenshot.


  face="Comic Sans MS">Good luke.


  face="Comic Sans MS">Version 5.0


  face="Comic Sans MS">1-  size="5" face="Comic Sans MS">In this version there were
  common errors in Windows 2000 was repaired
  color="#800000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">(now the
  code useful for win2000).


  face="Comic Sans MS">2-  size="5" face="Comic Sans MS">I added Function for
  Channels Audio Control (see the screenshot).


  for this Update?


  face="Comic Sans MS">you can here play on Left channel
  audio file and on right channel another audio file at the
  same time Or:


  face="Comic Sans MS">play the file two times at the same
  time one on the left and the another on the right.


  face="Comic Sans MS">Click on buttons "Demo" to
  see some effect by this way.


  face="Comic Sans MS">Note: you must Extract all files
  from the zip.


  face="Comic Sans MS">Good luke.


  face="Comic Sans MS">(Update IIII)


  were some common errors in Windows NT4 was repaired (Special
  thanks to Alex for notice me)


  I added function for request memebers to get the actual
  size and current size.


  the update just in source "MultiMedia Contoller"


  face="Comic Sans MS">(Update III)


  added the source code which sent to MSDN library and it
  Update for previous version from "Pure API".


  face="Courier New">Advantages for this Update?


  face="Comic Sans MS">It can open more than one Multimedia
  file at the same time and play it .


  face="Comic Sans MS">e.g.


  face="Comic Sans MS">(you can play more than one mp3 or
  movie at the same time).


  face="Comic Sans MS">Important note: You can play a lot
  files at same time if it from type "MPEGVideo"
  this mean just the following types you can play it
  altogther :


mpg  color="#800080" size="2">, mpa, mpv, enc, m1v, mp2,  color="#FF0000" size="2">mp3  size="2">, mpe, mpeg, mpm au,snd, aif, aiff,


and the
  following types can not play altogether :


  becsause the sound card will be busy.


  most peoples using mpg,dat,mov,etc for the movie and mp3,mp2,mp1,wav,etc
  for the audio and if you have movie (avi) you can convert
  it to mpg ,dat ,mov or any other mpegs types and play it


if you
  wanna the ways to convert avi to mpegs types please
  contact to me at :


  face="Comic Sans MS">this will benefit you if you wanna
  make some simple games,,etc.


  face="Comic Sans MS">see the picture in this page to show
  the program.


  face="Comic Sans MS">(UPDATE II)


  added two Functions one to Get Frames per Second


  the Another to let you know if the File Multimedia at the
  End (this benefit you if you wanna play a list of
  Multimedia Files).


  face="Comic Sans MS">(UPDATE I)


  face="Times New Roman">You can by this update to
  open any file even have spaces.(Special Thanks to Janet)


  face="Times New Roman">And I added two Functions to
  repair any problem will met you if you used Xing Mpeg


face="Comic Sans MS">You can here Play all MultiMeida Files by
Pure API


  face="Comic Sans MS">in first  face="Comic Sans MS"> if you wanna playing these types:

  qt , mov, dat,snd, mpg, mpa, mpv, enc, m1v, mp2,mp3, mpe,
  mpeg, mpm

  au , snd, aif, aiff, aifc,wav.

  The Secret is:

  You Must use when you write Command To MCI by Function

  mciSendString write like this :

  open c:myfile type MpegVideo .......etc

  note: we written "MpegVideo" as a type

  and we will written

  open c:myfile type AviVideo .......etc

  if we wanna opening avi files

  face="Comic Sans MS">I got this info "MPEGVideo"
  for how you can plays MPEGs types from my experinace when

  I openned file system.ini and I saw the section of MCI
  like this:












auMPEGVideovob (DVD)MPEGVideo


  face="Comic Sans MS">this mean if you wanna open mpg or
  dat file you will choose

  type "MpegVideo"

  and if you wanna open avi Files you will choose type

  And Remember Dealing with type "MpegVideo" like
  dealing with type


  You can also found this info I downloaded it in a
  Complete program in planet source in the past

  Under Name "
  to playing video in any place you want for e.g. in your

  anyway maybe you will say now I wanna a standard commands
  in a module or dll to dealing with

  "MpegVideo" and other types like :




    size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">1-Open most
    multimmedia files

    2-Playing it


    face="Comic Sans MS">3-Pause it


    face="Comic Sans MS">4- Stop it


    face="Comic Sans MS">5-Resume it


    face="Comic Sans MS">6-Close it


    face="Comic Sans MS">7-Get Current position(current


    face="Comic Sans MS">8-Get current time


    face="Comic Sans MS">9-Get Percent of playing


    face="Comic Sans MS">10-make it auto Repeat


    face="Comic Sans MS">11-Get Total frames


    face="Comic Sans MS">12- Get Total Time


    face="Comic Sans MS">13-Get the Status of file if
    it "playing or stopped or paused"


    face="Comic Sans MS">14-Get actual size (new).


    face="Comic Sans MS">15-Get current size (new).


    face="Comic Sans MS">16-Resize the movie.


    face="Comic Sans MS">17-Get number frames per


    face="Comic Sans MS">18-let you know if
    multimedia at the end now.


    face="Comic Sans MS">19-Get current Rate.(new)


    face="Comic Sans MS">20-increase or decrease rate


    face="Comic Sans MS">21-Get current volume for
    every channel (left or right) or the both.(new)


    face="Comic Sans MS">22-Set volume for every
    channel (left or right) or the both.(new)


    face="Comic Sans MS">23- turn off or turn on
    every channel or the both.(new)



  face="Comic Sans MS">You have three ways to doing this:

  face="Comic Sans MS">1-if you are using VB and wanna uses
  module in your code and calling the functions from it (this
  option is the best for you).the exe are "Multimedia
  Controller.exe" and "Pure API.exe"


  face="Comic Sans MS">2-if you are using VB and wanna uses
  library dll made by C++ to calling functions the exe is

  face="Comic Sans MS">

  face="Comic Sans MS">3-if you are using VC++ and   color="#008080" size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">wanna
  calling functions from dll or copy and paste the functons
  in your projects.(well option for who using VC++)


  face="Comic Sans MS">Note there are Update III which sent
  to MSDN library under name "Multimedia Controller"
  color="#FF00FF" size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">


  face="Comic Sans MS">Please Download the code and read it


  I downloaded the source of the dll.


  you are wanna using the module you can calling the
  functions from the Module without using the dll.

  if you are advanced you can read the dll and the module
  or if you are
  face="Comic Sans MS">Beginner just   color="#FF0000" size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">copy and
  paste  face="Comic Sans MS"> the module in your project and just
  know how you can calling the functions(very easy for all
  levels Advanced -Intermediate-Beginner).
  size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">

    face="Comic Sans MS">Note : I written the DLL in C++ and
  the Module in Visual basic for Planet-Source Specially
  and for standard use and you can Develop it,but please
  send to me a copy:).


face="Comic Sans MS">Note all Multimedia extensions you can play

face="Comic Sans MS">You have in Module and dll a standard
Functions for all users to Do what you want in Multimedia(commands
very easy, any one can use it)

face="Comic Sans MS">I Think You will never use any controls for
Multimedia If you Downloaded This Code.
color="#008000" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">

I think you
while reading the source you will forget vote me , don't forget=:)Okay?.

Enjoyface="Comic Sans MS">




  Sample Movie


Run the
  program and Select the Movie which you downloaded it


1-Click on
  button "open" and


2-write in
  textbox "from" Value "20"


3-write in
  textbox "to" Value "70"


4-Click on
  button "play"


5-Set check
  auto repeat true


This Example
  will let the movie played from frame number 20 to frame
  number 70


Listen the
  Songer will say "Think in love" (just). :).


if you want
  to play the file from beginning to end remove any value
  from testbox "from"


and textbox
  "to" .Enjoy :)


About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 231 times


Visual Basic 6

Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 122,088 bytes

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