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Accent Insensitive database querying

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Since MS-Access doesn't support accent insensitive queries by itself (MS SQL Server does as far as I know), I had to create a function that would fix the problem. With this function, it is possible to turn any SQL query into an accent insensitive query. With a few little modifications, it works great with ASP too!

Original Author: Carl Mercier


Example: STRSQL = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE animal LIKE '%" & AccIns("ELEPHANT") & "%'"
This will return any record where animal = ?ëlephant, Elephant, ?®l?®phant, el?®phant, etc. You get the picture. Now have fun! :)


You need to know how SQL queries work.


An accent insensitive string to use against a database.

Side Effects

My friend's computer exploded last time he used this function, so watch out!


Function AccIns(Str As String) As String
  Dim CurLtr As String * 1
  For x = 1 To Len(Str)
    CurLtr = Mid(Str, x, 1)
    Select Case CurLtr
      Case "e", "?®", "?¿", "?¬", "?½", "E", "?ë", "?ê", "?è", "?ï"
        AccIns = AccIns & "[e?®?¿?¬?½E?ë?ê?è?ï]"
      Case "a", "?á", "?ó", "?ñ", "A", "?Ç", "?é", "?ä"
        AccIns = AccIns & "[a?á?ó?ñA?Ç?é?ä]"
      Case "i", "?¼", "?»", "?«", "I", "?î", "?Å", "?Ä"
        AccIns = AccIns & "[i?»?«?¼I?Å?Ä?î]"
      Case "o", "??", "?Â", "??", "O", "?ö", "?û", "?Æ"
        AccIns = AccIns & "[o???Â??O?ö?û?Æ]"
      Case "u", "??", "??", "??", "U", "?Ö", "?ø", "?£"
        AccIns = AccIns & "[u??????U?ø?£?Ö]"
      Case "c", "?º", "C", "?ç"
        AccIns = AccIns & "[cC?º?ç]"
      Case Else
        AccIns = AccIns & CurLtr
    End Select
End Function

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 116 times


Visual Basic 6


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