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Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This is Easy. Very Easy. 10 lines of code, 30 of comments. I'm sick to death of trying to find simple, concise code that tells me what I need to know. This is an example of how to access a SQL Database from VB, and how to use the data returned.

Original Author: Zen


Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()
  ' We're going to assume we're using a SQL Server
  ' that is named 'Server'. We're also going to assume
  ' the target database's name is 'Database'. The default
  ' UID in SQL is 'sa', so let's just use that, and the
  ' default password is either 'sa' or blank (I'm going to
  ' use blank). Finally, let's assume the Table name
  ' is 'Table'.
  Dim objConnection As Object
  Dim objContents As Object
  Dim strSQL As String
  ' Create the ADO connection. This is the handiest way to
  ' connect to a database in my uneducated opinion, so if you
  ' disagree, write your own code. ;-)
    Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  ' Next, open the connection to the database.
    objConnection.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Server;Database=Database;uid=sa;pwd=;"
  ' Now, for this next part to make sense, you'll need at least
  ' a little experience writing SQL queries. This is the simplest.
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Table"
  ' Finally, Create a Recordset using the SQL string we wrote above.
  ' What's happening here is the connection object (objConnection)
  ' is executing the SQL query, then building a recordset called
  ' objContents with the results returned from our query.
    Set objContents = objConnection.execute(strSQL)
  ' Lastly, I bet you're wondering how to get at that data. Well,
  ' If you're only interested in the first value returned, I
  ' recommend this, quick and easy.
    varResult = objContents(0)
  ' If you're looking to gather a value for a particular field
  ' in the table, this is the way to go. Just replace
  ' with your field's name (you DO need the quotes).
    varResult = objContents("")
  ' So if you wanted to return every value, you can simply use a
  ' while loop and BOF (Beginning Of File) and EOF (End Of File);
  ' SQL gets pissy if you try to go past the end of the file.
    While objContents.BOF = False And objContents.EOF = False
      varResult = objContents("")
      ListBox1.AddItem varResult
  objContents.MoveNext ' This moves on to the next ROW
End Sub

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 83 times


Visual Basic 6


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